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甘肃 Gansu Gansu is a province located in the northwest of the People's Republic of China. It lies between Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, and the Huangtu Plateaus,

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Presentation on theme: "甘肃 Gansu Gansu is a province located in the northwest of the People's Republic of China. It lies between Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, and the Huangtu Plateaus,"— Presentation transcript:

1 甘肃 Gansu Gansu is a province located in the northwest of the People's Republic of China. It lies between Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, and the Huangtu Plateaus, and borders Mongolia to the north and Xinjiang to the west. The Yellow River passes the southern part of the province. It has a population of approximately 26 million (2004) and has a large concentration of Hui Chinese. The capital of the province is Lanzhou, located in the southeast part of Gansu. Gansu is abbreviated Gan or Long ( 陇 ), and is also known as Long West or Long Right, in reference to the Long Mountain east of Gansu.

2 Gansu Political Map

3 When we metion Gansu province,what will appear in your brians? poor? snow? desert? But,is that really so?

4 Let's go and take in the charm of Gansu!

5 Nationalitie s in Gansu province Gansu Province have twelve peoples,this is just one part of it!

6 Nine Storey Building........the symbolic structure of Mogao Grottoes

7 NO.328 Cave Library Cave

8 Seven Images

9 Jiayuguan Pass 葡萄美酒夜光杯, 欲饮琵琶马上催。 醉卧沙场君莫笑, 古来征战几人回。

10 The First Beacon Tower 长城第一墩

11 The Great Wall In the north of China, there lies a 6,700- kilometer-long ancient wall.Now well-known as the Great Wall of China, it starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in the west and ends at the Shanhaiguan Pass of Hebei Province in the east.

12 Mingsha Mountain

13 Crescent Moon Spring Crescent Moon Spring located in Dunhuang,beca use like crescent named,every year many tourists go over!

14 Maijishan Mountain in Gansu,it is located in the northern side of the Qinling Mountain Rarge and at a height of 1742m above sea level. The mountain’s fame arises not just from its appearance, but from the many Buddhist Caves that are gouged into its southwester face.This is the fourth largest area of concentrated Buddhist grottoes in China,it is one of the most beautiful sights in Gansu for both stunning natural. Maijishan Mountain

15 中国国家级风景名胜区 中国 AAAA 级旅游景区 中国国家级地质公园 ISO 国际双认证旅游景区 天下道教第一名山 平凉崆峒山为天下道家第一名 山。黄帝曾在此问道于广成子; 秦皇汉武皆曾登临崆峒;唐宋 明清各代建有 40 多处道观禅院。 崆峒山拥有数十座山峰,山势 雄伟似鬼斧神工,林海浩瀚如 巨浪排空,奇峰、异洞、怪石、 流云,苍翠清秀而雄伟。崆峒 山前峡泾水萦回,后峡胭脂河 湍流,二河交汇于望驾山脚下, 形成虎距龙蟠之势。 崆峒山

16 The scenic spot is very beautiful,and the water is clear,and various animals and give us a kind of original feeling!

17 国家地质公园

18 Next, We come to understand the Gansu Lanzhou

19 The Yellow River The Rellow River mother feeding the hundreds of millions of children



22 皮影皮影

23 香包


25 Modern Literature And Art

26 《大梦敦煌》

27 Rain of Flowers on the Silk Road 《丝路花雨》

28 READER 《读者》


30 西北师范大学 兰州交通大学 兰州理工大学 西北民族大学

31 Delicious Food Of Gansu

32 热面皮 油炸土豆



35 Lanzhou beef noodle "one clear,two white,three red,four green,five yellow" is five big characteristics


37 In conclusion, Gansu is one of the birthplaces of Chinese nation as well as one of cradless of Chinese ancient civilization. Welcome to my hometown Gansu

38 Thank you!

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