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Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Supervisory Training FIRSTCALL presents:

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2 Substance Abuse in the Workplace: Supervisory Training FIRSTCALL presents:

3 Introduction Impact on the workplace Employee performance problems How to intervene when employee has performance problem Referrals to F IRST C ALL

4 Supervisors’ Responsibilities Maintain a safe, secure and productive environment for employees Evaluate and discuss performance with employees Treat all employees fairly Act in a manner that does not demean or label people Know your company substance abuse policies & investigate alleged violations Consult with Human Resources

5 What is Addiction? Addiction is the irresistible compulsion to use alcohol and/or other drugs despite adverse consequences. It is characterized by repeated failures to control use, increased tolerance, and increased disruption in family, occupational and social functioning

6 Continuum of Substance Use ADDICTION Abuse Use No use

7 Ongoing performance problems that do not respond to normal supervisory actions may be signs of substance abuse and may require more intervention Know your organization’s policies related to performance problems You do not need to be an expert on alcohol and drug use because your intervention is based on performance issues Identifying Performance Problems

8 Examples of Performance Problems Poor attendance Lateness Unexplained or vague absences Coworker or customer complaints Mistakes and missed deadlines Overreaction to criticism Difficulty concentrating Undependable Exaggeration Erratic work pace Irritable, aggressive or belligerent behavior

9 Intervention and Referral Six steps to take when you have identified a performance problem: 1. Document the performance problem 2. Get ready to discuss with employee 3. Set the stage 4. Employee meeting 5. Refer to F IRST C ALL for assistance 6. Follow up and continue supervision

10 Document the Performance Problem Documentation includes: Name, date, time and location of incident Short, objective summary of observation Any involvement of witnesses Action supervisor took to intervene Employee’s response

11 Document the Performance Problem Documentation provides: Specific evidence of the performance problem to the employee Objective factual information The supervisor the ability to recognize patterns of declining performance The means to prevent his/her word against yours Support for the corrective action process

12 Get Ready for Employee Meeting Discuss the matter with your superior or a Human Resource representative Discuss the problem with the Employee Assistance Program if needed Prepare what you are going to say in advance and write notes

13 Get Yourself Ready Make an appointment with the employee in advance Meet with the employee in a private place where interruptions will be limited Choose the best time of day considering workload and the employee’s behavior Allow sufficient time for the meeting but have a time limit Allow for union representation, if appropriate

14 Employee Meeting Tell employee you are concerned about his/her job performance State the problem and stick to the facts related to job performance Refer to documentation of specific events Avoid overgeneralizations Engage the employee to tell his/her side of the story

15 Employee Meeting Avoid getting involved in discussions of personal problems. Do not try to diagnose the problem Try to get employee to acknowledge what you see as the problem State what is needed to correct the problem Set time frame for performance improvement Specify consequences if problem continues

16 Mandatory Referral to F IRST C ALL According to your organization’s policy on performance problems, the employee will be referred to FIRSTCALL for a comprehensive assessment Explain the specific information that will be discussed with FIRSTCALL Inform employee of potential consequences for refusing to go to the EAP and of non-compliance with EAP recommendations Ask employee to sign a Release of Information – fax ROI to FIRSTCALL Intake Department Contact FIRSTCALL with name of employee and provide relevant background information

17 EAP Counselor will: Assess the problem Refer the employee to treatment if deemed clinically necessary Communicate with authorized employer representative regarding employee EAP attendance and compliance Monitor employee treatment compliance and progress

18 Employee Return to Work Upon return to work the employee will need: Continuing feedback about behavior and performance Accurate performance appraisals and fair treatment Open lines of communication Encouragement to follow through with continuing care and support groups Time to adjust to doing things differently Respect for his or her privacy Corrective action if old behaviors reappear

19 Summary Performance problems get worse without assistance; early intervention is key Emphasize your concern with employee’s work performance and/or policy violation Limit comments to job performance and conduct issues only Have performance documentation in front of you when meeting with employee Avoid diagnosing the problem

20 Summary Emphasize that conversations with F IRST C ALL are confidential unless a ROI is signed Call 1-800-382-2377 to make referral and fax signed Release of Information Remember, F IRST C ALL is available to consult about interventions and the referral process

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