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Algebra 2 June 18, 2016 Goals:   Identify functions in coordinate, table, or graph form   Determine domain and range of given functions.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 2 June 18, 2016 Goals:   Identify functions in coordinate, table, or graph form   Determine domain and range of given functions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 2 June 18, 2016 Goals:   Identify functions in coordinate, table, or graph form   Determine domain and range of given functions

2 Function Vocabulary Relation: a mapping or pairing of input values with output values Relation: a mapping or pairing of input values with output values Function: a relation for which each input has exactly ONE OUTPUT Function: a relation for which each input has exactly ONE OUTPUT Domain: the set of input, or x values Domain: the set of input, or x values Range: the set of output, or y values Range: the set of output, or y values

3 Function Tests Determine whether a relation is a function by: Determine whether a relation is a function by: –Checking the input/output values (the x- values should NOT repeat) –Using a vertical line test (a vertical line should not intersect the given graph in more than 1 point at any given time)

4 Identify Functions EXAMPLE 1 EXAMPLE 1 Consider this relation: (−2, −3), (−1, 1), (1, 3), (2, −2), and (3, 1) –What is the domain? –What is the range? –Is it a function? –Represent the relation using a graph and a mapping diagram.

5 Identify Functions EXAMPLE 2 EXAMPLE 2 Tell whether the given relations are functions. Explain. -3 2 4 2 3 -4 -2 1 4 -4 2 3

6 Identifying Functions

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