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Food for Thought Learn about… Farmers Secondary. Become an active Global Citizen!

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Presentation on theme: "Food for Thought Learn about… Farmers Secondary. Become an active Global Citizen!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food for Thought Learn about… Farmers Secondary

2 Become an active Global Citizen!

3 Our learning objectives: To understand the challenges small farmers, particularly women face To identify the range of ways these farming heroes overcome them To explore how community groups, governments, businesses and charities can support finding more heroes

4 Define what a ‘hero’ is ------------

5 Definition Why do you think it says heroes are ‘typically a man’? What do you notice about your farming heroes? Do you think the definition is fair? Do you think we need different words for men and women heroes? A hero is defined in the Oxford English Dictionary as: “a person, typically a man, who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities”

6 Key terms Courage Outstanding achievements Noble qualities

7 Recognising your hero You have to make the case for why your small farmer should be recognised as being a farming hero How have they shown -Courage? -Outstanding achievements? -Noble qualities? You must be creative and persuasive in making your submission

8 Your heroes © Annie Bungeroth / Oxfam (2003) © Gilvan Barreto/Oxfam (2004) © Gilvan Barreto/Oxfam (2007) © Aubrey Wade/ Oxfam/Oxfam (2010) © Tom Pietrasik/Oxfam (2010)

9 What did you notice? Responses? Challenges? What was common to all the examples?

10 Finding more heroes Millions of small farmers face similar challenges to your heroes Each of your heroes had some support to allow them to express their heroic qualities If you can identify what that was, you could identify how more heroes could be found across the world…

11 Match up! First you have to match the correct hero to the correct Finding More Heroes cards…! ?

12 Supporting farmers Community groups Support How were your heroes being supported? Can you find examples for each group? Charities (NGOs) Businesses (local/international) Government

13 Who is most important? Community groups? Say why you think that If you were in charge of one of these groups, what would YOU do to find more farming heroes? Charities (or NGOs)? Businesses? (local/international) Government?

14 Food for Thought Learn about… The myths about farmers

15 Your heroes – not unique There are over ½ a million small farmers in the world. The examples you have seen are not unique. They show how many overcome the challenges they face using their knowledge, skills, drive and tenacity. This means that ½ a million small farmers produce enough food to feed 2 billion people across the world.

16 However… Most small farmers get very little help. This is because many policy makers (who decide where to invest support) believe in 4 myths about small scale farmers. Many believe small farmers are not the way to produce enough food in the 21 st Century Look at the myths. Decide if you think they are correct based on what you have seen….

17 What some people say Small farmers…. 1)Don’t produce a lot of food 2)Don’t like to try new methods 3)Don’t like taking risks to make money 4)Prefer not to sell what they produce

18 What do YOU think… Use what you have seen about small farmers -Do you think these things are true? -If you were able to talk to a policy maker about how to use their resources, would you advise them to support small farmers?

19 Try making the case…

20 Make a change… If you have one, complete a section of your wallchart!

21 Class for change And when you have learnt about the food system, thought about how it could change and planned and done something yourself, share what you have learnt at A space for active global citizens!

22 Terms and conditions Copyright © Oxfam GB You can use the resources provided for educational purposes. Please ensure that the way you use the material is consistent with all contextual information provided and credit any images used with the named author and Oxfam. All information associated with these images relates to the time and date that project work took place

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