Dwayne Hobbs Youth Apprenticeship Program Coordinator Clayton County Public Schools Career Guidance Information For.

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1 Dwayne Hobbs Youth Apprenticeship Program Coordinator Clayton County Public Schools Career Guidance Information For

2 Terminology - A Moving Target n Technology/Career Education – Formerly Vocational Education and sometimes Technical Education. n Technology/Career Preparatory – Diploma seal of endorsement for earning four units of T/CE education courses. n Tech Prep – A process of transitioning students into post secondary education in a technical field through articulation of courses.

3 Roy Barnes Governor of Georgia “Acquisition of education and training skills is the currency of the future.” Georgia Workforce Conference, Dec. 9, 1999

4 JOB SKILL LEVEL CHANGES (1950-2000) Bureau of Labor Statistics-1997

5 Job Skill Level Changes 1950-2000 Three Main Points: 1. The percentage of workers needed with college degrees has remained the same for 50 years. Only 20% of the jobs have this requirement. 2. Unskilled jobs have decreased from 60% to 15%. Today’s job market is High Tech. 3. The jobs that require technical skills but not necessarily a four year degree has grown from 20% to 65%.

6 Going to College? n Beginning 9th graders who will graduate from college: 15% n This means 85% will not graduate from college!!! n WORKPLACE REALITY- - 30% of college graduates will be underemployed or unemployed. TERM - April/May, 1995

7 “More students enter Tech Schools from college campuses than any other way.” The problem is that only about 10 percent enter from high schools, as counselors tend to promote college even when this represents a “false promise.” Atlanta Constitution, Oct. 15, 1999 Kenneth H. Breeden Commissioner – Department Technical and Adult Education (DTAE)

8 Wage Comparison - Atlanta Technical School n Electricians $17.11 n Plumbers $20.25 n Elec. Tech. $18.90 Four year college degree n Accountants $17.57 n Hotel manager $16.58 n Social worker $16.93 Bureau of Labor Statistics Atlanta Constitution, 11/10/99

9 Employability Skills of the Future n Problem-solving and reasoning n Computer operation n High-level reading, math, & communications n Occupational proficiency n Ability to work as a team member n Ability to make decisions n Adapt to change

10 A Tech Prep student is one who is functioning at or above grade level, and who is enrolled in a career program of study that has been articulated between secondary and postsecondary institutions culminating in a degree, diploma, or a two year apprenticeship certificate. Tech Prep Student

11 What do I need to get enrolled in Tech Prep? n Be on Track for Graduation n Be Enrolled in a Course That is Part of an Articulated Program. n Be Committed to a Program of Study

12 The Process n Tech Prep Lesson to Classes n Identify Tech Prep Students n Notify Parents n Register with NCR Form n Program of Study Review by Counselor n Entered in MIS system by Counselor n Update students Program of Study (Degree Plan) n Articulated Credit Certificate awarded at Graduation

13 Teacher’s Role n Understand the Tech Prep Process. n Raise Expectations of Students. n Understand the Articulation Process n Understand & Assist Students with Program of Study n Provide Advisement & Career Guidance n Collaborate with Postsecondary Counterparts

14 Counselor’s Role n Advise students of programs of study n Evaluate assessment of interest and aptitude of students and advise them n Advise students of future opportunities for employment and skills needed (Newsletter) n Advise students of the articulation process n Work with postsecondary student services

15 Career Guidance Information










25 The End

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