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Optics for x-ing IR Andrei Seryi November 5, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Optics for x-ing IR Andrei Seryi November 5, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optics for x-ing IR Andrei Seryi November 5, 2004

2 SP2 SP4 SP3 FD phase IP phase SP1 NLC optics w. consumable b-spoilers Low betas good for tolerance No high-beta point 90 degrees from high-beta in FF

3 Lew Keller’s FLUKA results For a beam area of approximately 500 u**2, FLUKA gives for 1 bunch (2e10/bunch for both 250 and 500 GeV/beam) in 0.6 RL Ti E = 250 GeV del_T = 650 deg 22u x 22u E = 500 GeV del_T = 700 deg ________________________________________________ E = 250 GeV del_T = 590 deg 70u x 7u E = 500 GeV del_T = 660 deg Fracture limit is 770 deg. The above values don't take into account the increase of specific heat with temperature

4 ILC version w. survivable b-spoilers High-beta point 90 degrees from high-beta in FF (kick -> offset in sextupoles)

5 SP2 SP4 SP3 FD phase IP phase X:  /2 Y:  /2 

6 Beam size at spoilers Consider b-coll with beta x,y=600,1200m For beam emittance 10x0.03E-6m it gives 950 u**2 at 250 GeV, and 474 u**2 at 500 GeV It looks that the betatron spoilers survive 2 bunches at 250 and one bunch at 500 (if charge is 2e10 in both cases) On the energy spoilers @250 GeV, y-size is 26u, x-size is 67u, plus x dispersive size 140u (with 0.2m dispersion and dE/E=7E-4 ) –=> E-spoiler is safe, and E-collimation may even be shortened

7 SP2 SP3 FD phase IP phase ILCFF6.mad

8 Turtle tracking results

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