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Key Stage 2 SATs 2013. Monday 13th May – Thursday 16 th May 2013 If a child is ill during SATs week, it is possible for them to take the test up to 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Stage 2 SATs 2013. Monday 13th May – Thursday 16 th May 2013 If a child is ill during SATs week, it is possible for them to take the test up to 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Stage 2 SATs 2013

2 Monday 13th May – Thursday 16 th May 2013 If a child is ill during SATs week, it is possible for them to take the test up to 5 working days later. However, both school and parents have to sign a declaration to say that there child has had no internet access or contact with their peers.

3 The National Curriculum tests Schools are required to administer the following level 3-5 tests: English reading English grammar, punctuation and spelling (new for 2013) Mathematics Schools may also choose to administer the following level 6 tests: English reading English grammar, punctuation and spelling (new for 2013) Mathematics There will not be an English writing test this year as it will be replaced by the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test. Writing composition will be assessed by the school. It is not known yet how an overall level will be obtained for English.

4 Timetable for 2013 SATs Level 3-5 testsLevel 6 tests Monday 13 th Reading comprehension test 45 Minutes, plus 15 minutes reading time Reading comprehension test Tuesday 14 th English, grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 15 th Mental mathematics test 20 Minutes Mathematics – Test A 45 Minutes Thursday 16 th Mathematics – Test B 45 Minutes Mathematics – Paper 1 Mathematics – Paper 2

5 Why are there tests as well as teacher assessment? Tests and teacher assessment measure your child’s achievement in different ways. The tests measure what all children can do when they are set the same questions. They help teachers identify strengths and weaknesses in children’s understanding. Teacher assessment judges your child’s performance across the whole subject over time. Tests and teacher assessment are equally important. The results of the tests and the teacher assessment may be different. For example, a teacher may feel that your child is doing better (or not so well) in a subject as a whole rather than in the parts of the subject covered in the tests.

6 How are the results used? The results will show whether your child made the expected rates of progress. The results will show whether or not your child has reached the expected National Curriculum levels for their year group. The school results will be compared to the National SATs results for your child’s age group to determine levels of progress for the school as a whole. The results are used to set the new targets for the school for the following academic year. This is done in the Autumn term following your child’s SATs. SATs results will be sent home with your child’s annual report in the summer term.

7 ENGLISH 14 June 2016

8 Examples of new ‘SPaG test’ Circle all the adverbs in the sentence below. Open the drawers carefully and quietly when using the filing cabinet. Add a suffix to this word to make an adjective. dread ______________ 14 June 2016

9 Underline the subordinate clause in each sentence below. One has been done for you. Although his Mum thought they were very smart, Peter disliked his new trousers. Before he could go swimming, Ali packed his towel. 14 June 2016

10 Complete the sentence below with a contraction that makes sense. If you give me the recipe____________ buy the ingredients on the way home. 14 June 2016

11 How is the SPaG or GaPS or GPaS test marked? All tests are sent to a central warehouse where they are scanned and then marked online. So the children must use a BLACK pen or 2B pencil This enables the scripts to be sent to a number of different markers, as well as being viewed by a supervisor (GCSE exams are marked like this)

12 Reading Comprehension The level 3-5 English reading test consists of: a reading booklet containing around three or four texts based on a single theme a reading answer booklet comprising approximately 35 questions (totalling 50 marks) Children are given 15 minutes to read the reading booklet and 45 minutes to answer the questions in the answer booklet. They can refer back to the texts in the reading booklet throughout the test. 14 June 2016

13 The questions are: shorter, closed response items (such as multiple choice and matching questions); and longer, more open response types that require children to explain and comment on the texts in order to demonstrate a full understanding. Questions are worth 1, 2 or 3 marks.

14 MATHS 14 June 2016

15 The level 3-5 mathematics test consists of: Test A – a non-calculator paper, lasting 45 minutes Test B – a calculator available paper, lasting 45 minutes Mental mathematics test – lasting 20 minutes Children’s marks from all three tests are aggregated to calculate their overall mathematics level. Teachers may read questions in both written papers to pupils if asked.

16 Level 6 tests Last year, Level 6 tests were introduced for the first time for many years. Only 3.8% of those sitting the Level 6 Reading test gained a Level 6, and 34% of those sitting the Level 6 Maths test gained Level 6 Maths If a child is teacher assessed to be working at Level 6, they will be entered for the test.

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