 Presented by: Linda Dailey, CPP & Karen Smauldon.

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Presentation on theme: " Presented by: Linda Dailey, CPP & Karen Smauldon."— Presentation transcript:

1  Presented by: Linda Dailey, CPP & Karen Smauldon

2  What is Stress?  What causes Stress?  How do we manage Stress?  What are some ways to Reduce or Dispel Stress?

3 The definition of Stress is :  A state of mental or emotional strain or tension from adverse or very demanding circumstances.

4 Four Types of Emotional Stress:  Time  Anticipatory  Situational  Encountered

5 Four Types of Mental Stress:  Eustress  Distress  Acute Distress  Chronic Stress

6  Fear  Overtime  Expectations  Pressure  Poorly Trained Staff

7  How can you tell?  Loss of Productivity  Tension among staff members  Irritability  Concentration  Team Work Breakdown  There are many more, can you name some?

8  People are disturbed not by the things that happen, but by their opinion of the things that happen.  Greek Philosopher Epictetus  How you interpret, react or handle a perceived stress can often be more damaging than the actual stress

9  Self Awareness  Self Management  Social Awareness  Relationship Management

10  Take Responsibility  Avoid Pitfalls  Break Bad Habits  Eliminate Self Defeating Behavior  Seek a fresh Perspective

11  Make realistic goals  Managing Time  Take a break  Get Rest

12  Prioritize tasks  Delegate  Compromise The most important solution is Communication

13  Look for the Positive  Do things now if you can  Education  Start your day positive  Stay away from the negative influences

14  Cross Training  Work Smarter  Don’t dwell

15  Record daily activities, and tasks  Make decisions and communicate them  Be positive and motivate

16  Start the day positively  Show Gratitude  Build your teams Self Esteem  Team Building Exercises


18  Linda Dailey, CPP and Karen Smauldon

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