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Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service Commissioning Lead: Moneeza Iqbal Programme Lead: Christine.

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Presentation on theme: "Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service Commissioning Lead: Moneeza Iqbal Programme Lead: Christine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership North Manchester Macmillan Palliative Care Support Service Commissioning Lead: Moneeza Iqbal Programme Lead: Christine Mathewson 1

2 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership What is the service? What will change? An enhanced and integrated service for patients with palliative care needs and their carers More community Macmillan nurses and therapists 7 day a week, 8am-8pm service Consultant led – in the future Increased integration with other teams especially Primary Care and district nursing teams For patients registered with a North Manchester GP For patients with any life limiting illness- not only cancer 2

3 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Reasons for Development No hospice geographically based In North Manchester A higher than national average number of deaths in hospital – 40% have no medical need to be there 70% of people would prefer to die at home 59% of people state they are frightened of dying in hospital To create learning that can be shared across the city. To increase patient choice and co-ordination of care at the end of life. 3

4 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Aims of the service Early identification, assessment and support of patients with any life limiting illness and their carers Increase the number of patients on the GP palliative care register To ensure care is co-ordinated and integrated. Provide a single point of access and care that is more integrated Increase choice in relation to preferred place of care and death. To provide care closer to home Support care homes to reduce the number of people admitted to hospital with palliative care needs at end of life. 4

5 HUB coordination function 24/7 telephone helpline MDT base Training & education Volunteers outreach pharmacy advice IV drugs EOLC hospice at home care homes GP practices social worker Hospice support -St Ann’s - Springhill - Dr Kershaw DN & GP Locality team support from Hub DN & GP Locality team support from Hub Acute Trusts Hosp specialist Palliative Care team CNS DN & GP Locality team support from hub DN & GP Locality team support from Hub

6 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Volunteer model being developed in order to provide the supportive element of care – e.g. practical things such as transport, dog walking, shopping, emotional support etc. Working with existing volunteer organisations e.g. Call plus Macmillan Solutions and Manchester Carers Aim is to ensure patient and carers needs are only assessed once and that information can be shared 6 Developing Volunteer Services

7 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Support Services Development The following areas are in the process of being developed to support the enhanced palliative and supportive care service: Enhancement of 24 hour helpline – in liaison with St Ann’s hospice Lymphodema services - in liaison with St Ann’s hospice Hospice type beds in the community - ? Commissioned in care homes Complimentary therapies – early stages of development 7

8 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Evaluation.In the evaluation we will be looking at the following : Are we reducing the number of overall deaths in hospital Are more people having their preferred place of care and death recorded and are these being achieved Are we reducing the number of unplanned emergency admissions to hospital for patients will palliative care needs Are we improving access to community based supportive palliative care Are we improving patient and carer experience Are we improving early identification of patients who have palliative care needs and increasing the number of patients on the GP palliative care registers. 8

9 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership Launch of Service Service goes live on 20th April 2015 based at Victoria Mill. 8am-8pm working, 7 days a week. Stakeholder engagement taking place in April/May to give all key messages to professionals. Public launch will involve the following: Publicity and stalls at venues around North Manchester Launch at patient experience forums on 19 th and 21 st May Media launch Public launch planned for 19 th and 21st May as part of MCIP Cancer Experience Forum 9

10 Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership How to refer Referrals accepted from anyone – patient, carer or professional for patient registered with a North Manchester GP Detailed information on referral e.g. referral criteria and forms etc will be disseminated by North Manchester weekly practice bulletin 10

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