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Pronunciation practice: Stress in compound nouns Práctica de pronunciación: El acento en nombres compuestos Author: Victoria Reina Gil.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronunciation practice: Stress in compound nouns Práctica de pronunciación: El acento en nombres compuestos Author: Victoria Reina Gil."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pronunciation practice: Stress in compound nouns Práctica de pronunciación: El acento en nombres compuestos Author: Victoria Reina Gil

2 ¿Qué es un nombre compuesto? What is a compound noun? A compound noun is one word created by adding two words together. abre (from abrir) + latas = abrelatas

3 ¿Cómo se forma un nombre compuesto? How is it formed? One way is by merging a verb and a noun Verb in the 3rd person singular (present tense) + noun generally in the plural lavaplatos: “lava” from lavar (to wash) + “platos” (dishes). They lose the stress on the verb and carry only the stress on the noun. lavaplatos

4 Here are some examples: sacapuntas tajalápices cortalápices (pencil sharpener) sacacorchos (corkscrew) espantapájaros (scarecrow) rompecabezas (puzzle) Verb in the 3rd person singular (present tense) + noun generally in the plural

5 Gender and number Mainly masculine in gender el aguafiestas (spoil sport) (with a female version if referring exclusively to women) la aguafiestas How can we distinguish between singular and plural? el aguafiestas los aguafiestas un abrelatas dos abrelatas

6 Pronunciation of compound nouns Words ending in a vowel “n” “s” are stressed on the penultimate syllable rasca + cielos = rascacielos Rule breakers When a word does not follow the rules we put a written accent called tilde (or acento ortográfico) over the stressed vowel cortacésped espantapájaros Words ending in a consonant (excluding “n” and “s”) are stressed on the last syllable. gira + sol = girasol They follow the general rules of word stress in Spanish

7 Pronunciation of compound nouns rasca + cielos = rascacielos catavinos abrelatas abrecartas cascanueces cumpleaños paracaídas girasol cortacésped

8 Read what you see espantapájarosrompecabezaslavaplatos abrelatas

9 Build up compound nouns (verb + noun in the plural) rasca + = rascacielos cata + = abre + = gira + = pinta + = catavinos abrecartas girasol pintalabios

10 Compound nouns catavinosabrecartasgirasol pintalabios

11 References and acknowledgements All images from Google Images and Clipart Microsoft

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