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GROUP TNCP-3: INFRASTRUCTURE MEMBERS: Prof. Dr. Hamdani Bin Saidi (Ketua) Prof. Dr. Abd. Latif Bin Salleh Tn. Hj. Zulkarnain Bin Mohd Shah Sr. Hjh Rohayah.

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Presentation on theme: "GROUP TNCP-3: INFRASTRUCTURE MEMBERS: Prof. Dr. Hamdani Bin Saidi (Ketua) Prof. Dr. Abd. Latif Bin Salleh Tn. Hj. Zulkarnain Bin Mohd Shah Sr. Hjh Rohayah."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROUP TNCP-3: INFRASTRUCTURE MEMBERS: Prof. Dr. Hamdani Bin Saidi (Ketua) Prof. Dr. Abd. Latif Bin Salleh Tn. Hj. Zulkarnain Bin Mohd Shah Sr. Hjh Rohayah BintiYusoff Pn. Hjh. Kamariah Binti Nor Mohd Desa Anuar Bin Talib Pn. Nor Asikin Binti Mohamad

2 StrengthOpportunities 1.Library – strong and sustained in term of collection in S&T. 2.Lab. - Up to date equipment. - Accredited lab (8) - Specialised lab (eg. Marine, Aero, HV lab, Pilot plant, Nano) 3. T&L facilities (space, digital content) 4. Hostel – 100% in JB campus except KL campus. 5. Sport facilities. 6. Land bank (400 acres in JB campus). 7.Strategic location (both JB and KL campus) 1.Increase in income generation. 2.Increase in research collaboration (local and global). 3.Attract quality full paying students. 4.Increase in research grant from industries. 5.Nurture, create or attract Nobel laureate potential. 6.Opportunities for Commercial ventures. WeaknessesThreat 1.Library, hostel and lab. – Low usage/under utilised. 2.High maintenance and operation cost. 3.Weak marketing strategy. 4.Aging assets and facilities. 5.Service Delivery – response time 1.Reduction of government fund. 2.Unpredictable currency exchange rate (weakening ringgit). 3.Competition from foreign/ private colleges and universities.

3 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR PENCAPAIAN* ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 20122013 2014 (JUN) L2 State-of-the-art Facilities L2.1Number of accredited labs. 35(5) Only 8 labs out of ???? have been accredited. -Low ROI -Financially unsustainable KPI L2.1 should be maintained due to the requirement for more accredited labs Establish task force for lab accreditation. More labs should be accredited. Equipment supplied shall be accredited by the supplier. L2.2% increase of library digital collections. (12%) 11.7% (12%) 12.2% (15%) 5.7% Cost of online databases subscription. -Digital conversion from hardcopy. -Digital channels and 3 rd party partnerships Strategic marketing to increase income and usage. Develop a cost benefit criteria in subscribing online databases Cost benefit analysis on online databases usage In-house content development Bidang Tumpuan Utama: L2: State-of-the-art Facilities

4 OBJEKTIF STRATEGIK KEY AMAL INDICATOR Target (programs fully online) ISU, CABARAN, GAP CADANGAN STRATEGI** 201520162017 L2 State-of-the-art Facilities L2.3 Expandable infrastructu re 135 New future learning /e-learning -Multi online courses -Interactive virtual classroom/labs/library -Service delivery Flagship pilot project on expandable infrastructure (classrooms/labs/library) Flagship : Expandable Infrastructure Bidang Tumpuan Utama: L2: State-of-the-art Facilities



7 NEW LEARNING CONCEPT: Knowledge will travel to the mind of the future students State-of-the-art FACILITIES expands in all directions No defined campus boundary No confined class room No examination Evaluation based on out come Value for money – students’ fee State-of-the-art in the 5 th Dimension Expandable Infrastructure

8 State-of-the-art in the 5 th Dimension Expandable Infrastructure ATTRIBUTES : Enabler Interactive Lab Online access of all teaching,learning & research contents Virtual classroom – Experts - coach and generate new knowledge Value for money (cost effective, sustainable, customer oriented - excellent service delivery Self assessment able 360º accessibility

9 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status of SO (New, Improved, Retained, Deleted) KAI Statement Status of KAI (New, Improved, Retained, Deleted) Operational Definition KAI Targets Programmes/Project/Initiati ves Implications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 L2 State-of-the- art Facilities Retained L2.1 Number of accredited labs. Improved No of accredited lab with certification from qualified body GMP/GRP/GLP /ISO 17025/ISO 1518 10 nos (??%) 25 nos (??%) 100% Establish task force for lab accreditation. Possible capital cost increase Accreditation/ calibration of new lab equipment is part of suppliers scope of work More labs should be accredited. Increase in income generation through lab services Equipment supplied shall be accredited by the supplier. New strong marketing team to be established. Establish lab inventory master list Retained L2.2 % increase of library digital collections. Improved Accessibility library digital content. Anywhere and anytime (24/7). 80%90%100% -Digital conversion from hardcopy. Cost of online databases subscription. -Digital channels and 3rd party partnerships New ambiance. Additional budget. Retraining. Reduction in HR.

10 Strategy or Strategic Objective (SO) Status of SO (New, Improved, Retained, Deleted) KAI Statement Status of KAI (New, Improved, Retained, Deleted) Operational Definition KAI Targets Programmes/Project/Initiati ves Implications – Finance, HR, Physical, Governance 201520162020 New L2.3 No of Expandable infrastruct ure (EI) project New Infrastructure to enable new way of learning accessibility. Not limited by time, location, space, distance and expertise. 1 No5 Nos10 Nos. Digitize and develop software facilities (lab, library, classroom) for interactive learning (to be matched with the initiatives from T&L and CICT Group). New allocation required, skilled and competence HR in software development Project (1 smart lecture classroom, 1 digital content for that particular subject) *Project (1 smart lecture classroom, 1 digital content for that particular subject)


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