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Presentation Headline GASB 68 Pension Disclosures for PSRS/PEERS Employers 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation Headline GASB 68 Pension Disclosures for PSRS/PEERS Employers 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation Headline GASB 68 Pension Disclosures for PSRS/PEERS Employers 1

2 Presenters Anita Brand, CPA – Chief Financial Officer Jeff Russler – Director Employer Services 2

3 GASB 68 Ultimate Goal To insure PSRS/PEERS employers had the required information to comply with GASB 68 as of June 30, 2015 and beyond. Employers with a fiscal year end of June 30 implemented GASB 68 for the year ended June 30, 2015. Process was time intensive for all parties. Value-add to PSRS/PEERS and employers. Cooperation from the employers was fantastic. Lessons learned to improve the process going forward. 3

4 GASB 68 Implementation Impact on financial statements and required disclosures Proportionate share of Net Pension Liability Proportionate share of total pension expense and deferred inflows/outflows No changes in calculation of contribution rate Expanded disclosures Required Supplementary Information 4

5 Responsible Parties PSRS/PEERSEmployersPriceWaterhouseCoopers – PSRS/PEERS actuary Williams-Keepers, LLC, PSRS/PEERS Independent Auditor 5

6 Responsible Parties 6 Preparation of the following : Audited Schedule of Employer Allocations Audited Schedule of Pension Amounts by Employer Sample footnote disclosures Anticipate combing the PSRS/PEERS disclosures into one. Expected to be ready for distribution by calendar year end. Feedback on format/content from employers and employer auditors? PSRS/PEERS

7 Responsible Parties 7 Employers are solely responsible for their financial statements Reconciliation of payroll system to census data submitted to PSRS/PEERS Employer auditors Responsible for the employers’ audit opinion Determining sufficiency of audit evidence Employer Responsibilities

8 Responsible Parties PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Actuary Calculation of proportionate share Preparation of the Schedules of Employer Allocations and Pension Amounts by Employer Maintenance of deferred inflows/outflows and amortization Williams-Keepers, LLC, Independent Auditors Opining on the Schedules of Employer Allocations and Pension Amounts by Employer 8

9 Current Year Employer Procedures GASB Reconciliation – requires each employer to reconcile retirement salary as reported to PSRS/PEERS to taxable salary as reported to the IRS via the employers quarterly Form 941s. GASB Questionnaires – designed to gain an understanding of how each employer reports data to PSRS/PEERS and determines retirement eligibility and salary. PSRS/PEERS may have follow up questions based on our review. PSRS/PEERS reviews census data on site each year for a sample of employers. Continue to modify based on “lessons learned.” 9

10 GASB Timeline GASB Reconciliation and Questionnaire – will be provided to employers in October and November of each year. PSRS/PEERS actuary report and annual audit report are completed at the end of October. PSRS/PEERS reviews all GASB information and coordinates information with PWC and Williams-Keepers. Completion of audited employer schedules is expected in December 2015. Distribution of audited employer schedules and related sample disclosures are expected by calendar year end 2015. 10

11 Q&A 11

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