Chapter 6: The Duel for North America 4 world wars involving 3 old world nations and colonists.

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1 Chapter 6: The Duel for North America 4 world wars involving 3 old world nations and colonists

2 France Finds a Foothold in Canada 1500s Protestants v. Catholic Huguenots = results? Edict of Nantes King Louis XIV Samuel de Champlain and Quebec – Relations with Indians Government Population

3 New France Fans Out The Beaver – “Runners of the Woods” – Indian fur trade – drawbacks? French Catholic Missionaries Other Explorers – Antoine Cadillac (1701) – Robert de La Salle (1682) Attempts to Block Spain

4 The Clash of Empire King William’s War (1689-1697) and Queen Anne’s War (1702-1703) – Who was involved? Peace Treaty at Utrecht (1713) – Results? King George’s War (1739) a.k.a. The War of Jenkin’s Ear

5 Wars King Williams War (1689-1697): King William III declares war on Louis XIV Queen Anne’s War (a.k.a. War of Spanish Succession 1702-1713) – North American theater of Spanish Succession War – Fought to maintain balance of power in Europe British and allies fight to keep Spain and France from unifying into one powerful entity – French cedes Acadia to British Causes “The Great Displacement” ***At this point, both sides (French and British) are suspicious of each other King George’s War (1743-1748) – Colonists help take Fort Louisbourg from the French but end up giving it back after a treaty = confused and frustrated colonists – “War of Jenkin’s Ear”: Spanish guard cuts off ear of British merchant ship Captain and threatens the British crown British are smuggling in trade goods during asiento (permission to sell slaves in Spanish territories)


7 George Washington Inaugurates War with France Ohio River Valley – Conflict at Fort Duquesne (1754) Story? Results?

8 Global War and Colonial Disunity Seven Year’s War – European Theater Significance? 1754 Intercolonial Congress – “Join or Die” – Plan for Colonial home rule

9 Braddock’s Blundering: Its Aftermath General Braddock – Indian War Path Invasion of Canada (1756) – Mistakes?

10 Pitt’s Palms of Victory William Pitt “The Great Commoner” or “Organizer of Victory” – Strategy? – Victory at Louisbourg – Battle of Quebec (September 1759) Outcome Significance?

11 Restless Colonists Effects of War of Colonists – Confidence – British Invincibility – Friction with British Soldiers – Perceived lack/reluctance of colonial support Intercolonial Disunity – Reasons?

12 War’s Fateful Aftermath Colonies The French The Spanish and Indians Pontiac’s Uprising (1763) – Significance? Proclamation of 1763 MANIFEST DESTINY!

13 The French Acadians The Great Displacement Cajun Migration of Quebecois (1840)

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