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Haitian Revolution (1791-?) Mexican Revolution (1910 -?) Chinese Revolution (1911-?) Russian Revolution (1917-?) Cuban Revolution (1953-?) Important Revolutions.

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1 Haitian Revolution (1791-?) Mexican Revolution (1910 -?) Chinese Revolution (1911-?) Russian Revolution (1917-?) Cuban Revolution (1953-?) Important Revolutions

2 First of all, what the heck is Nationalism? Political Nationalism  The belief that a country’s politics/government is better than all others. This usually leads to hostility, war between countries, civil war, etc. Cultural Nationalism  Pride in one’s culture, heritage, language, etc. Does NOT include the belief that one country is any better than another. This usually leads to advancements, celebrations, education, etc.

3 Haitian Revolution 1791-? Slave owners were dependent on the black Haitians to work the sugar cane crops in order to export sugar to Europe.  Eventually people in Haiti were divided into three strict castes  Blancs =white landowners of French descent  Mulattoes=free blacks, usually with white fathers  Slaves=African Born or those of pure African descent The slaves, who outnumbered the others 10 to 1, eventually rose up to fight for their freedom from France.  Led by Toussaint L’Ouverture  Declared a free republic in 1804

4 Mexican Revolution 1910-1929 People in Mexico were sick of the rule of Porfiro Diaz, who had been in power for 31 years.  Francisco Madero led a revolt against the long time ruler which kicked off the revolution  The conflict started as a revolt against the established government but turned into a multi-sided civil war  Over the course of the revolution, many leaders came in and out of power. Began to come to a resolution with the drafting of the Mexican Constitution of 1917

5 Chinese Revolution 1911-? Goal of the revolution was to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and establish the Republic of China  Was a reaction to 3 main factors:  The decline of the Qing state (couldn’t modernize/prepare china for future, used Mandate of Heaven to justify rule.)  Domestic Decline  Majority of Han China’s resentment towards the Manchu ruling minority China has operated as a Republic ever since the revolution.

6 Russian Revolution 1917- Revolution was started by Vladimir Lenin to establish Russia as a true Communist country.  Citizens were unhappy with the quality of life under Czar Nicholas  When Lenin passed away early in the Revolution, Joseph Stalin and Leon Trostsky stepped up to lead.  However, Stalin proved to be more manipulative and power-hungry than the previous Czar.  Citizens continued to starve, be murdered, and live in poverty. Revolution was effective in eliminating the current system of czars and czarinas, but ineffective in establishing an equal, Communist society.

7 Cuban Revolution 1953-59 The goal of this revolution was to overthrow Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista  Fidel Castro stepped up to lead the revolution and was supported by the majority of citizens  Batista was ousted in ‘59 and replaced by a revolutionary government led by Castro  However, Castro eventually reformed along Communist lines to create the Communist Party of Cuba in 1965.

8 So how are the revolutions in Egypt and the Middle East different…. Use of Technology  For the first time in history, revolutionaries are rallying support via social media networks  Makes the revolutions world affairs rather than just affairs of the individual country Influence of Young People  In the past, revolutions have been headed by older, political leaders.  For the first time, young people are taking the lead and demanding a more progressive system

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