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Ford and Carter Topic 10.6. Setting the scene: In the last 6 years… –MLK is shot –RFK is shot –There race riots in every major city –Student protesters.

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Presentation on theme: "Ford and Carter Topic 10.6. Setting the scene: In the last 6 years… –MLK is shot –RFK is shot –There race riots in every major city –Student protesters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ford and Carter Topic 10.6

2 Setting the scene: In the last 6 years… –MLK is shot –RFK is shot –There race riots in every major city –Student protesters are killed –Nixon resigns over Watergate –We lose the war in Vietnam –The country is divided over the war –58,000 young men don’t come home –The Nixon administration is exposed as completely corrupt –Inflation continues to rise –Unemployment continues to rise –Our economy is paralyzed –The OPEC embargo

3 The general mood in America is NOT one of OPTIMISM. People are beginning to wonder “are the good times over for good?” Merle Haggard

4 Gerald Ford Sworn in on August 9th, 1974 1st (and only) president that WAS NOT ELECTED! Ford was very popular among Washington D.C. politicians Trusted and respected Football star at the University of Michigan Served in the navy in WWII 1948-House of Representatives


6 Post-Watergate Ford wanted to move the nation past the scandal Pardons Nixon for all crimes Plan backfires, Ford is widely criticized –Others involved are getting jail time

7 Economy Months of preoccupation with Watergate –Kept Nixon from dealing with the economy Inflation continued to rise “Whip Inflation Now!” –Trying to restore public confidence Convince Americans to buy less, conserve fuel –Plan failed, inflation rises –Inflation + Unemployment + Stagnation = Stagflation –Economy stagnates Asked Americans to wear red and white WIN buttons -Conserve fuel -Plant vegetable gardens (counter high grocery store prices)

8 War Powers Act 1973 Congress passed War Power Act –Weakened the War Powers of the President Limit a President’s ability to involve the United States in foreign conflicts without receiving a formal declaration of war from Congress Within 48 hours of committing troops to overseas combat, President must notify Congress of the reasons for this decision and the expected length of the mission Troops must not stay overseas for more than 60 days without approval from Congress Congress can demand that the president bring the troops home

9 Fall of Saigon 1975 1965-North Vietnam began new offensive against the South Congress won’t allow Ford to aid the South Vietnamese Ford agreed to an American airlift that helped evacuate 1000s

10 Jimmy Carter Narrowly defeats Ford in the election of 1976 Southerner with no national political experience

11 Graduated from the United States Naval Academy Took over the family Peanut Farm 1970 elected governor of Georgia Americans liked Carter’s “down home” approach Roll as an Washington outsider helped him win the election –No public failures or scandals Appointed many women and minorities to his staff

12 Domestic Programs Once elected being the Washington outsider had disadvantages Found it difficult to get legislation passed No Congressional experience No former colleagues in Congress Carter had little success promoting his domestic plans

13 Amnesty - Pardons draft dodgers

14 Economy Inflation continued to rise Carter cut spending to slow inflation These cuts mostly fell on social programs Caused a spike in unemployment and businesses to fail

15 Deregulation Attempted to deregulate the economy Deregulation-the reduction or removal of government controls Agencies such as the Interstate Commerce Commission had been established to regulate rates and business practices Over time government regulations grew Carter felt they hurt competition

16 Energy plan 40% of our oil came from overseas Prices rising Carter ask people to save fuel Imposed taxes on “gas guzzlers” (cars) Created Department of Energy –Coordinate the federal programs promoting conservation and researching new energy sources

17 Converted utilities to other forms of energy Coal and nuclear Put money into alternative energy research

18 Camp David Accords-1978 Carter plays the role of peacemaker between Israel and Egypt Egypt’s President Anwar el- Sadat began negotiations with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin Could not agree President Carter invites them to Camp David –Israel leaves the Sinai Peninsula –Egypt officially recognizes Israel

19 The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. 1980 Olympics are to be held in Moscow. Carter withdraws the US Olympic Teams from the Olympic Games

20 Iran Hostage Crisis November 4, 1979 American embassy Embassy workers were taken hostage Carter could not bring all the hostages home Some remained hostages for 444 days Crisis made Carter appear weak

21 Cost him the election of 1980 Reagan sent Carter to greet the hostages on their way home from Iran at a layover in Germany

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