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History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present 1.

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Presentation on theme: "History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 17C The American People, World War I to the Present 1

2 Clinton’s World 2

3 Themes: Bill Clinton was an extraordinarily gifted politician, but his conduct in the presidency—both public and private—left him in a poor position to reverse the conservative tide that had swept the country since 1980, or to keep the White House in Democratic hands after he left office in 2001 3

4 Themes: Clinton’s conduct in office also made it harder for the United States to respond effectively to the growing threat posed by Osama bin Laden’s al-Qa‘ida network 4

5 US behavior during and after Gulf War alienated Osama bin Ladin 5

6 Late 1980s—Bin Laden formed al-Qa‘ida (the base) 6

7 Early 1990s—Bin Laden turned against Saudi regime because it allowed US troops to occupy Saudi Arabia 7

8 Early 1990s—Bin Laden moved to Sudan and began sponsoring anti-US attacks 8

9 ... such as the first World Trade Center bombing, February 1993 9

10 In wake of victory in Gulf War, Bush’s approval rating shot up to 89 percent 10

11 January 13, 1992 In 1991 and 1992, Bush’s popularity dropped due to poor economy 11

12 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 12

13 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 13

14 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 14

15 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 15

16 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 16

17 1992—Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas ran for president against Bush 17

18 H. Ross Perot 18

19 Years in which Clinton and his recent predecessors were born Ford1913 Carter1924 Reagan1911 Bush I1924 Clinton1946

20 Bill Clinton—first US president of ’60s generation With JFK 20

21 Bill Clinton—first US president of ’60s generation With JFK With Hillary Rodham 21

22 With George McGovern 22

23 1978—Clinton elected Governor or Arkansas 23

24 Democratic Leadership Council 24

25 25

26 Bill Clinton 1993-2001 26

27 Sources of conservative antipathy toward Clinton: The draft issue 27

28 Sources of conservative antipathy toward Clinton: The draft issue 28

29 Sources of conservative antipathy toward Clinton: Hillary Rodham Clinton’s feminist profile 29

30 “Multiculturalism” Debate 30

31 “Multiculturalism” Debate 31

32 Immigration Act of 1924 32

33 Immigration and Nationality Act, 1965 33

34 Demographic transformations resulting from 1965 immigration reform 34

35 35

36 1993 36

37 Clinton scandals 37 Independent counsel Kenneth Starr

38 1993-1994—Hillary Clinton was administration’s point person on health care reform 38

39 1993-1994—Hillary Clinton was administration’s point person on health care reform Effort ended in failure 39

40 1994—in midterm elections Republicans took back both House and Senate Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House 40

41 1995-1996—With help of Dick Morris, Clinton devised strategy of “triangulation” 41

42 Welfare reform, 1996 42

43 1996—Senator Robert Dole ran (unsuccessfully) for president against Clinton Robert Dole with wife (and future Senator) Elizabeth Dole 43

44 “Monicagate” 44

45 Intersection of two phenomena: 1)Intense partisanship (GOP attacks on Clinton) 2)Long-term efforts by feminists to deal with problem of predatory male behavior 45

46 Since mid-1970s feminists had placed sexual harassment on political and legal agenda 46

47 1991—Confrontation between Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill further dramatized issue 47

48 Violence Against Women Act, 1994 Senator Joseph Biden 48

49 Violence Against Women Act, 1994 Made it easier for plaintiffs (accusers) in sexual harassment civil suits to establish “pattern of misconduct” on part of defendants 49

50 1994—Paula Jones filed sexual harassment suit against Clinton 50

51 1994—Paula Jones filed sexual harassment suit against Clinton Jones’s lawyers invoked Violence Against Women Act to seek information about Clinton’s past sexual behavior 51

52 1997—In Clinton v. Jones, Supreme Court ruled that Jones could sue Clinton for sexual harassment 52

53 Jones’s lawyers learned about Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky 53

54 They asked Clinton about affair, and he denied it 54

55 55 Kenneth Starr began investigating possible obstruction of justice by Clinton

56 56 January 1998—News media learned about Starr’s investigation

57 1996—Bin Laden returned to Afghanistan, where the Taliban were taking over 57

58 The Taliban 58

59 59 The Taliban

60 Early 1998—Bin Laden announced formation of “World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders” 60

61 Early 1998—Monica Lewinsky scandal erupted 61

62 1997... an amazing coincidence 62

63 August 1998—Al-Qa‘ida operatives bombed US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania 63

64 August 1998—Clinton launched rocket attacks against al-Qa‘ida training camps in Afghanistan and against pharmaceutical factory in Sudan 64

65 65 August 1998

66 66 September 1998

67 67

68 68 November 1998

69 69 December 1998— House impeached Clinton

70 70 December 1998— House impeached Clinton February 1999— Senate acquited him

71 Support for Clinton from feminist and African American leaders 71 NOW President Patricia Ireland Georgia Congressman John Lewis

72 Ted Rall cartoon, 2000—a pre-9/11 view of Osama bin Laden 72

73 Ahmed Ressam, aka “Millennium Bomber” 73

74 74 Ahmed Ressam, aka “Millennium Bomber”

75 75 Ahmed Ressam, aka “Millennium Bomber”

76 October 2000—USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers off coast of Yemen; 17 US sailors died 76

77 77 Summer 2001—A season of foreboding....

78 78 November-December 2000—George W. Bush defeated Al Gore in contested election

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