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Timeframe When should students form their committee? Graduate School Deadlines Allow one additional semester. Graduation Submit final document to Grad.

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2 Timeframe When should students form their committee? Graduate School Deadlines Allow one additional semester. Graduation Submit final document to Grad School Defense Submit draft for formatting to Grad School Submit draft to committee Data collection and writing IRB Proposal Defense Final year of classes meet with advisor Identify committee chair and meet Identify committee members and contact Comprehensive Examination Discuss Dissertation Proposal Prepare Dissertation Proposal Submit proposal to committee

3 Committee Chair-Tenured and tenure-track faculty Graduate Faculty Status Third or fourth member can be from a school district or other institution. Student forms the committee, student can reform it.

4 Comprehensive Exam 3-5 questions One/two from each member Sent to the student 2 weeks ahead of the oral exam Answer 3 questions One sheet of notes, front/back Results-pass or no pass

5 Dissertation Proposal APA format, narrative document 10-pages, Chapters 1-3-draft Research design-chart of questions/instruments Include any instruments Presentation with slides, 20-30 minutes, brief overview of proposal Committee gives significant feedback The committee could change!

6 Dissertation and Defense APA format, traditional style-5 chapters 100-300 pages Defense-slides of key findings, 30-45 minutes Still making corrections

7 Common Issues and Challenges Too many research questions Research questions too broad Literature review is not an analysis of literature No use of literature throughout Does not tie findings to questions Limited discussion and conclusion Trying to finish too quickly or disappearing Not giving committee members enough time

8 Other Issues and Challenges Bad fit with committee chair Poor writing-hire an editor Timing is off-data collection/writing Committee members change Committee members with different experiences

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