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♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Rose Mullis How leadership can enhance PE, physical activity and L1 school sport.

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Presentation on theme: "♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Rose Mullis How leadership can enhance PE, physical activity and L1 school sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 ♯ TVPEConf Tees Valley Primary PE & School Sport Conference 2016 Rose Mullis How leadership can enhance PE, physical activity and L1 school sport

2 ♯ TVPEConf Leadership Share

3 ♯ TVPEConf Sport Organising Crews

4 ♯ TVPEConf Crew Scenario – basketball competition What roles could a Crew member take on in the organisation of a level 1 basketball competition? 1.In preparation for the competition 2.On the day of the competition 3.After the event

5 ♯ TVPEConf 1. In preparation Score card designer and maker Organise the order of play Put who plays who onto score cards Research and name the teams eg. Golden State Warriors Designate roles and responsibilities for on the day Eg. Role = Photographer, responsibility = charge camera Design a poster to advertise competitions Ask the teams to design banners and posters for the event (E.g. world cup rugby event – Flags to bring in cultural element) Questionnaire to find out what competitions the children would like to take part in

6 ♯ TVPEConf Team 1 - Tigers Team 2- Panthers Team 3- Eagles Team 4 – Dodgers Game Order of Play 1 Tigers V Panthers 2 Eagles V Dodgers 3 Tigers V Eagles 4 Panthers V Dodgers 5 Tigers V Dodgers 6 Panthers V Eagles

7 ♯ TVPEConf Tigers Panthers Eagles Dodgers Total Points Position Tigers Panthers Eagles Dodgers Win = 5pts Draw = 3pts Loss = 1 pt.

8 ♯ TVPEConf 2. On the day of the competition Referee Equipment monitor/set out and put away Photographer Team manager Score card collector Time keeper Scorer Overall scorer

9 ♯ TVPEConf 3. After the event Journalist/reporter – match/event report Blogger – School Games and school website Organise photographs – to go onto digital displays/noticeboards to promote the School Games and share with parents/governors etc.

10 ♯ TVPEConf Benefits to crew and participants Cross-curricular – Art, Numeracy, ICT, literacy. Allowing pupils to develop and take on new responsibilities. Allows pupils who may not usually excel in PE to feel they can contribute in a unique way to the subject. Increased number of level 1 competitions for KS1 and KS2. Raises achievement in PE. Pupils learn new transferable skills E.g. communication Improves self esteem

11 ♯ TVPEConf Blogging

12 ♯ TVPEConf Leadership in curriculum PE

13 ♯ TVPEConf School Games Mark Gold Criteria Workforce Every young person is provided the opportunity to ‘learn to lead’ through curriculum PE Evidence?

14 ♯ TVPEConf Task 1.Identify leadership opportunities 2. Add ‘learning to lead’ opportunities to the lesson plans provided

15 ♯ TVPEConf Further leadership Roles Change4life Champions Change4life/health and wellbeing Clubs Multi-skills and Sports Clubs Playground leaders – Active playgrounds Dance leaders – E.g. Wake up shake up Peer Learning – E.g. Paired Orienteering activities with younger children

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