Integrated Literacy Assignment Kaylee Rowlson SST 309-02.

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1 Integrated Literacy Assignment Kaylee Rowlson SST 309-02

2 GLCE  3- G2.0.2 Describe different regions to which Michigan belongs (e.g., Great Lakes, Midwest).

3 Web Resources  Regions of the United States Regions of the United States  Great Lakes Quiz Great Lakes Quiz

4 Songs  Mid-western U.S.A Geography Song Mid-western U.S.A Geography Song  5 Great Lakes 5 Great Lakes

5 Books, Magazine & Poetry -Lake Superior by Harry Beckett (part of a collection with the 4 other lakes) -Our Michigan Adventure Textbook (Chapter 1 Lesson 4) -FACES magazine “The Midwest- Heart of America” -Great Lakes Rhythm and RhymePoetry Book by Denise Rodgers

6 Activity Books  Maps for the Overhead- United States Geography ~Regions activity and worksheet  Instant Map Skills United States ~Regions mini book

7 Maps  Geography Alive! Regions and People Mapping Lab  Maps and Geography (Grades 3-6)

8 Videos  Discovery School “The Midwest” grades 3-6  Midwest Region Facts Video Midwest Region Facts Video

9 Lesson Plans  Which regions does Michigan belong to? Which regions does Michigan belong to?  Third Grade Digging into the Past (lesson 2) Third Grade Digging into the Past

10 Sources  Regions of The United States. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from REGIONS.pdf REGIONS.pdf  Great Lakes Quiz. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015, from  5 Great Lakes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2015, from  Mid-western U.S.A Geography Song. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from  Carpentiere, E. (Ed.). (2010, April 1). The Midwest Heart of America. FACES.  McConnell, D. (2008). Our Michigan Adventure. Hillsdale Education.  Beckett, H. (1999). Lake Superior. Vero Beach, Fla.: Rourke.  Finch, S. (2004). United States geography: 10 color transparencies, mini-lessons, and activities that teach essential map skills. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources.

11 Sources  Finch, S. (2004). United States: Bright, beautiful map poster with learning-rich, ready-to-go games and activities that build essential map skills. New York: Scholastic Teaching Resources.  Rodgers, D., & Martin, J. (2003). Great Lakes rhythm & rhyme. Spring Lake, Mich.: River Road Pub.  Geography alive!: Regions and people. (2006). Palo Alto, CA: Teachers' Curriculum Institute.  The Midwest Region. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2015, from  Lesson Plans: Which regions does Michigan belong to? (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2015, from  Calhoun ISD Collaborative Social Studies Curriculum. Retrieved October 29, 2015, from

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