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Chapter 12.1: 2 Golden Ages of China Tang and Song Dynasties.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 12.1: 2 Golden Ages of China Tang and Song Dynasties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 12.1: 2 Golden Ages of China Tang and Song Dynasties

2 Vocab Gentry 1dowry 1 pagoda 1Marco Polo 2 Kublai Khan 2Steppe 2 archipelago 4 Bushido4 Tsunami4Samurai 4

3 Focus Q: Dec. 17 Read the top of page 370 Describe 4 examples of the technology from the Tang and Song Dynasty’s.

4 Objective: Tang, Song Dynasty’s 1.How the Tang (tahng) Dynasty reunified China. 2.Contributions of the Tang, Song (sung) Dynasty’s. 3.The Chinese influence in the regions. 4.The status of women. 5.The extreme orderliness of Chinese society. Communism is a perfect fit there today. 6.Little feet are not attractive. 7.Why? China is a world power and nd has contributed to world knowledge: inventions, philosophy

5 FQ: Dec. 18 1.What do you know about China? 2.What continent is China on? 3.What countries are near China? 4.Large cities? 5.What do you know about Chinese culture? 6.Chinese inventions?


7 Main wall 2145 + 1770 miles long Not 1 wall; 31,070 miles (all walls) Needed for protection began in 260 B.C. Most of what remains is from Ming Dynasty 1368-1644

8 1 of 5 communist countries Demand conformity Fewer individual rights Bravo, Tank Man!

9 Saltpeter Sulfur = gunpower charcoal

10 China’s Provinces

11 Geography?  Beijing

12 Highlights of Tang and Song Dynasties 1.Develop smallpox vaccine 2.Invent spinning wheel 3.Use arches for bridges 4.Invent gunpowder—used in fireworks 1 st 5.First to use a cannon 6.Invent sunglasses 7.Magnetic compass Most useful?

13 Highlights of Tang and Song Dynasties 8. Small bombs, grenades, cannons 9. Discovered the cause of diabetes

14 Tang (tahng) Dynasty ( 618 to 907 A.D.) 1.1 st Tang emperor—Li Yuan 2.Son, Tang Taizong, becomes China’s most admired emperor 3.Conqueror parts of Central Asia 4.***make Tibet, Korea, Vietnam tributary states*** – Had to acknowledge China’s supremacy and send tribute

15 What country?

16 Tibet

17 Tang Dynasty: govt grows Restored the Han system of uniform govt throughout China 1.Rebuilt bureaucracy, enlarged civil service system 2.Schools to train men to take CS exams 3.Flexible new law code


19 Tang Dynasty: economy grows ***Make land reforms which strengthens central govt*** 1.Take land (power) from large landowners, redistribute to peasants 2.Weakens large landowners 3.Increase revenue—peasants pay taxes Who benefits the most? Why?

20 = (China)


22 Tang Dynasty Declines 1.Lose territory in Central Asia to Arabs Corruption, high taxes Drought, famine, rebellions

23 Song (sung) Dynasty 1.Economy expands b/c of improved farming methods, open border policy 2.Open border allowed new types of rice to be imported from SE Asia 3.Grow 2 crops/year—rice and a cash crop ***New farming methods create food surplus*** others can pursue arts, learning, trade


25 Rice Cultivation Began Under the Song

26 China’s Ordered Society ***2 main social classes were peasants and the gentry*** 1.Gentry 2.Peasants 3.Merchants Any questions? Comments?

27 Gentry 1.Scholars, govt officials came from this wealthy landowning class 2.Could afford years of study for very difficult civil service exams 3.Value learning over physical labor 4.Support Confucian thinking – Social order should be based on rank, duty, proper behavior

28 Peasants 1.Most Chinese were peasants—poor farmers 2.Live in small, self-sufficient villages 3.Rely on each other, not govt 4.Could move up w/education and govt service 5.Slaves could not move up

29 Merchants 1.Have lower status than peasants b/c their wealth comes from the labor of others 2.How does that compare to Muslim merchants? Why?

30 Status of Women 1.Women have higher status than later 2.Wu Zhao—only female empress ***married women often manage servants and family finances*** 3. Boys still valued more than women

31 Status of Women Marriage 1.Become part of husband’s family 2.Couldn’t keep her dowry: ***Payment woman brings to marriage*** 3.Could never remarry 4.Foot binding—symbol of nobility, beauty – Extremely painful, many couldn’t walk w/o help What group didn’t get feet bound?



34 Chinese Architecture ***Pagoda: multistoried temple with eaves that curve up at the corners***

35 China as % of World Population

36 Top 10 Populated Nations 20012050 Millions

37 The Population of China thousands

38 The Great Wall of China

39 China vs. the U. S. in Size China United States SOURCE: Topic 5: “The Awakening Giant” by Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Dept. of Economics & Geography, Hofstra University.

40 Comparing China & the U. S. China United States Size 3.7 million square miles 3.6 million square miles Main physical barrier HimalayasRockies Main River Yangtze / East - West Mississippi / North – South Population East Coast Connectivity problems North - South East - West

41 China—Asia’s Superpower

42 Bodies of Water Huang-He River Y e l l o w S e a Yangtze River Pacific Ocean Amur River Xi River South China Sea Sea of Japan

43 Deserts & Plateaus Tibetan Plateau Taklamakan Desert Gobi Desert

44 Countries & Regions Tibet Mongolia Southeast Asia Indian Subcontinent Russia N. Korea S> Korea Taiwan Philippines Japan

45 CitiesCities BEIJING Harbin Nanjing Guangzhou Xi’an Shanghai Taipei Lhasa Hong Kong Macao

46 Pacific “Rim of Fire”

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