ICT in Product Manufacture Electronic Information Handling.

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1 ICT in Product Manufacture Electronic Information Handling

2 Questions Note questions and save for question time at the end. You don’t need to write the question down, just put a question mark (?) and highlight the bit you don’t understand. In prep you must read and clarify your personal notes & the handout (in a good light!) before you do the assignment.

3 Market Analysis Market analysis helps companies to Predict demand Identify potential markets Identify niche markets Identify market trends Tailor marketing strategies. Current sales growth data extrapolated to predict future sales and presented as a 2D graphic. What other evidence is needed to support this prediction?

4 Computer Aided Market Analysis (CAMA) CAMA uses data from surveys and questionaires, which is placed in databases to store, analyse and present this data as useful information. Analysis can be done in-house by the manufacturers themselves, through specialist market research agencies, or consultancy firms. The most common model for a database is a relational model. These databases are organized by fields, records, and tables. A field is a single piece of information (columns); a record is one complete set of fields (rows); and a table is a collection of records. With this simple model, just about any relationship between any collection of data can be represented.

5 Types of Market Data Qualitative analysis provides information on customers and their opinions. Quantitative analysis will provide facts and figures such as sales figures and financial information. Regional trend analysis provide performance information on a geographical basis (GIS). Market timing attempts to predict future market trends, which will help investment decisions. Customer profiling using existing customers can help identify future markets.

6 Benefits of Computer Aided Market Analysis (CAMA) Large amounts of data can be quickly converted into useful information. Demand and trends can be calculated accurately leading to better formulation of sales targets and marketing strategies. Identification of markets by different criteria – geographical, by income, by common interest, etc. Flexible approach to market segmentation - that targets a group of customers with specific characteristics. Launch new products with focused regional strategies rather than whole country product 'roll outs'.

7 Computer Aided Specification Development (CASD) Complex products need complex specifications including aesthetic requirements, functional requirements, ease of manufacture (design for manufacture – DFM) and ease of assembly (design for assembly – DFA). Integrated ICT based systems already exist where design features can be generated by CAD software and checked by knowledge-based expert systems for ease of manufacture and assembly.

8 Learn to make quick 3D models with SketchUp Design features can be generated by CAD software and checked by knowledge-based expert systems for ease of manufacture and assembly. This is a model made with CAD software. It is much quicker that materials modelling, and allows the designer to apply the specifications without being distracted by material processes. It can easily be used for calculating ventilation, heating, services and ease of use.

9 Computer Aided Specification Development A design specification (spec) should have sufficient detail that manufacturing can proceed without significant reworking: “right first time”. It will often draw on previous specifications or other design information. Computer-aided product specification saves time and money through re-using specifications already held in a product data management (PDM) system for new product specifications.

10 Intelligent Design Systems There are three types of information or knowledge held within an intelligent design system: 1. CAD data contains information about the physical characteristics of each component part being designed. 2. The design catalogue is a reference for data such as the costs and properties of standard materials or components. 3. The knowledge database contains 'rules' about design and manufacturing methods. An Internet-Based Intelligent Design System for Injection Moulds

11 Summary 1.Market analysis 2.Computer Aided Market Analysis 3.Databases and relational databases 4.Types of Market Data 5.Benefits of Computer Aided Market Analysis (CAMA) 6.Computer Aided Specification Development (CASD) 7.Intelligent Design Systems

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