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Gaining Decisions G. Earl Knight. How To Bring People to a Decision.

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Presentation on theme: "Gaining Decisions G. Earl Knight. How To Bring People to a Decision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gaining Decisions G. Earl Knight

2 How To Bring People to a Decision

3 I. Have a Compelling Sense of Mission “The World turns aside to let the man pass who knows where he is going” “Men of solidity of character” Evangelism, 171

4 II. Have an Aggressive Character “Compel them to come in.” Luke 14:23 “By kindness compel them to come in.” Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 237. “The only compulsion which he employs is the constraint of love.” Mount of Blessings, p. 182.

5 III. Set The Example To persuade another Man to do what you want him to, you must be persuasive in your life.

6 IV. Having a Conviction of the Truth Yourself Psalms 116:10

7 V. Be In Earnest “If we were more in earnest, men would be more convinced of the truth of our message”. Evangelism, p. 170.

8 VI. Your Very Approach Can Influence People for Christ “Approach the people in a persuasive, kindly manner.” Evangelism, 444.

9 VII. Let Your Speach Be Persuasive 2 Corinthians 5:11

10 VIII. Demand a Decision Let this be in every sermon, not waiting until the series is finished.

11 IX. There is a Psicological Moment to ask for a Decision Hebrews 4:7

12 X. Study the Countenances of The Hearers Watch the faces to know when to press for decision. He (Jesus) watched the faces of His hearers. Marked the lightining up of the countenance, the quick responsive glance, which told that truth had reached the soul.” Evangelism, 295.

13 XI. Let Others’ Experiences Help Make Decisions Take a Brother who has had a strugle along to tell his story.

14 XII. Make The Decisions in a Personal Way In the quiet of the Home, Rather than expect the final decision publicly.

15 XIII. It is the Work of the Holy Spirit to Convict and Convert After we have employed all our persuasiveness, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict and converts.

16 XIV. Do Not Push Them To the Point of Refusing. A Man wishes to be consistent and if he once refuses, he rarely changes his mind.

17 Appealing For a Decision to Accept Christ

18 Step 1 God Dearly Loves You.

19 Step 2 We are all in need spiritually.

20 Step 3 God’s solution to our problems is found in Jesus Christ.

21 Step 4 We must personally invite Jesus to help us.

22 Working For Decisions


24 Meeting Specific Objections

25 A. About Accepting Christ

26 B. About Personal Problems

27 C. About Present Beliefs

28 D. About Relatives and Friends

29 E. About the Sabbath

30 F. About Standards

31 G. About Inner Feeling and Excuses

32 Points to Keep in Mind How to Get Decisions

33 How to get Decisions 1.Ask for a decision on the material presented at the end of every study. 2.Encourage your student to put in practice each new duty as it unfolds. 3.Do not ask for a major decision until your prospect has sufficient information to enable him to make an intelligent one. 4.Call for a decision when you see evidence of conviction.

34 How to get Decisions 5.Learn to recognize signals. 6.Help him make his decision definite. 7.Clear away obstacles. 8.Use decision questions...

35 Decision Questions Is everything clear? Do you know what you should do? What’s keeping you from doing it? You plan to do it some time, don’t you? Why not do it now? The Appeal of the Cross. “Christ Crucified” Talk it, pray it, sing it, and it will break and win hearts.

36 The Decision


38 Five Motives that Move People to Decision

39 Five Motives Desire for Gain Desire for Confort and Convenience Desire to please loved ones Desire to gratify pride Desire for protection

40 I. Acknowledge the Truth

41 II. Make every study clear and convincing.

42 III. A Matter of Life or Death

43 IV. Uniting with the Church A. Only those who entered the ark were saved. B. The Third Angel’s Message is a definite call out of a definite place. 2 Cor. 6:17; Rev. 18:1-4. C. The saved will be numbered with the remnant who keep the comandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14:12; Rev. 12:17. D. Make a personal appeal for surrender to Christ.

44 The Final Call “Under the loud cry, thousands will step out from the shadows into the light, surmounting all obstacles and breaking all ties that bind.” Review and Herald, 1895. “At the time, many backsliders will return to the church as these wandering sheep again hear and heed the voice of the Great Shepherd.” Evangelism, p. 693.

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