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Trellis-coded Unitary Space-Time Modulation for Multiple-Antenna Scheme under Rayleigh Flat Fading 指導教授 : 王 瑞 騰 老師 學生 : 吳委政.

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Presentation on theme: "Trellis-coded Unitary Space-Time Modulation for Multiple-Antenna Scheme under Rayleigh Flat Fading 指導教授 : 王 瑞 騰 老師 學生 : 吳委政."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trellis-coded Unitary Space-Time Modulation for Multiple-Antenna Scheme under Rayleigh Flat Fading 指導教授 : 王 瑞 騰 老師 學生 : 吳委政

2 Outline  Unitary Space-Time Modulation Signal model Capacity Limited By Length of Coherence Interval;Structure Attaining Signal Maximum-likelihood decoding  Systematic Design of Unitary Space-Time Constellation Design Primitive signal Φ  Trellis coded Unitary Space-Time modulation  Reference

3 Unitary Space-Time Modulation

4 Signal model X is the T x N complex matrix of receivered signal S is T x M matrix of transmitted signal H is the M x N matrix of rayleigh fading coefficients W is the T x N matrix of AWGN ρ is SNR M is number of transmit antenna N is number of receiver antenna

5 Structure of capacity Attaining Signal  Limite on number of transmitter antenna For any coherence interval T and any fixed number of receiver antenna.We assume that M<<T  Structure of signal that achieves capacity A capacity-achieving random signal matrix may be constructed as a product S=vΦ, where Φ is an isotropically distributed T x M matrix whose columns are orthonormal,for either T>>M,or for high SNR,setting v=

6 Maximum-likelihood decoding(1/2) We now consider maximum-likelihood repection Of a constellation of L signals employing unitary Space-time modulation Where are T x M complex matrice satisfying We derive the ML receiver and its performance when H is unknown and,for comparison,when H is known to the receiver (H is never known to the transmitter).

7 Maximum-likelihood decoding(2/2) Channel unknown to receiver Maximu-likelihood decoding becomes

8 Systematic Design of Unitary Space-Time Constellation

9 Design Primitive signal Φ (1/2)

10 Design Primitive signal Φ (2/2)


12 Trellis coded Unitary Space-Time modulation

13 Trellis-coded unitary space-time modulation system


15 Trellis encoder & viterbi decoder


17 Simulation(1/2) Trammit antenna M=1 Receive antenna N=1

18 Simulation(2/2) Trammit antenna M=2 Receive antenna N=1

19 Reference 1. Capacity of a mobile multiple-antenna communication link in rayleigh flat fading ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 46, no. 1, january 1999 2. Unitary space-time modulation for multiple- antenna communications on rayleigh flat fading ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 46, no. 2, march 2000 3. Systematic design of unitary space-time constellation ieee transactions on information theory, vol. 46, no. 6, september 2000 4. Trellis coded unitary space-time modulation ieee transactions on wireless communication, vol. 3, no. 6, november 2004

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