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Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016. 1.Describe a modern situation in which Christians are being persecuted because of their faith. 2.Why did.

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Presentation on theme: "Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016. 1.Describe a modern situation in which Christians are being persecuted because of their faith. 2.Why did."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christ Baptist Church Fall 2015 / Spring 2016

2 1.Describe a modern situation in which Christians are being persecuted because of their faith. 2.Why did Herod persecute the church? Who was King Herod Agrippa? 11 BC – 44 AD grandson of Herod the GreatHerod the Great Known in his time as "Agrippa the Great Educated and grew up in Rome "Agrippa I" by Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.


4 Why do you think Herod had four squads of soldiers guarding Peter? See Acts 5:18-19. Peter slept soundly … Why? 1 Peter 2:23 1 Peter 3:14-15 What was the church doing while Peter slept? (See verse 12). 1 Peter 4:19 1 Peter 5:6-7

5 3.How does the relationship between James’ death and Peter’s escape from prison emphasize the relationship between God’s sovereign will and prayer? 4.Do you believe your prayers matter? Please explain. 5.What role did Peter’s obedience play in his rescue? Why was that the case?

6 As Peter followed the angel out of the prison, what was he thinking? (v9) After the angel left, what were Peter’s thoughts? (V11) Where did Peter go first? (v12) Why did Rhoda not let Peter in? When she told the others that Peter was at the gate, why did they not let him in? When they finally let Peter in and recognized him, what was their reaction?

7 What did Herod do when he discovered Peter was gone? 6.Why are we often surprised by God’s answers to our prayers, as the church was at Peter’s release from jail? 7.How do you think the church’s prayer life might have been different after Peter’s release?

8 8.What happened as a result of God’s dealing with Herod? How did the people of Tyre & Sidon manipulate & flatter Herod? How did God judge Herod? Give evidence of Herod’s pride. What impact did the events of this chapter have on the growth of the church? Give verse.

9 Have you ever spent a night in prayer or had someone pray all night for you? 9.How can your group be more involved in praying for one another? 10.What have you learned from this study of Acts 1—12 that has benefited you the most?

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