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Introduction Introduction MBTI Personality Test MBTI Personality Test Dr. Shih-Shin Chen Business Psychology Dept. Health Care Management NTUNHS.

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2 Introduction Introduction MBTI Personality Test MBTI Personality Test Dr. Shih-Shin Chen Business Psychology Dept. Health Care Management NTUNHS

3 Personality Personality Traits  The sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others  個人對事情的反應及與他 人互動的整體模式  Enduring and measurable traits that describe an individual behavior  可用來描述個人行為的穩 定特性 2

4 3 Conscientious 工作良知 Emotional Adjustment Agreeable 合情理的態度 Intellectual Openness Extroversion 外向程度 情緒的調適 心智的開放 React Interact

5 4 Conscientious 工作良知 Emotional Adjustment Agreeable 合情理的態度 Intellectual Openness Extroversion 外向程度 情緒的調適 心智的開放 React Interact 情緒風格 Emotional style 心智風格 Cognitive style 工作風格 Work style 人際風格 Interpersonal style 表達風格 Expression style

6 Reactive (N+) Resilient (N-) Adapter (A+) Challenger (A-) Challenger (A-) Explorer (O+) Preserver (O-) Preserver (O-) Extravert (E+) Introvert (E-) Introvert (E-) Focused (C+) Flexible (C-) Conscientious Extroversion Openness to Eeperiences Agreeable Emotional adjustment

7 Reactive (N+) Resilient (N-) Adapter (A+) Challenger (A-) Challenger (A-) Explorer (O+) Preserver (O-) Preserver (O-) Extravert (E+) Introvert (E-) Introvert (E-) Focused (C+) Flexible (C-) Conscientious Extroversion Openness to Eeperiences Agreeable Emotional adjustment At ease, calm, optimistic, fast rebound time Worrying, hot headed pessimistic, longer rebound time Altruistic, Seeks harmony, keep opinions to self Hedonic, Welcomes challenge, out spoken Imaginative, Prefer a broad view, Seeks complexity Imaginative, Prefer a broad view, Seeks complexity Prefer status quo, Attentive to details, Prefers simplicity Prefer status quo, Attentive to details, Prefers simplicity Gregarious, Prefer responsibility, Trusting, Active “Cool”, Prefer working alone, Skeptical, Quiet Planful, Perfectionists, Crave for high achievement Planful, Perfectionists, Crave for high achievement Impulsive, Flexible, Satisfied with current achievement Impulsive, Flexible, Satisfied with current achievement

8 Big 5 Personality Careers  Family Practice Physician N-, O+, A+, C-  Pharmaceutical Sales E+, C+  Entrepreneur E+, O+, A-, C+  Flight Attendants N+, E+, O+  Leaders Traditional: O-, C+ Visionary: O+, A- 7

9 8

10 9

11 10

12 11

13 Extraversion ( 外向 ) Introversion ( 內向 ) Feeling ( 感性 ) E S T J Sensing ( 感知 ) Thinking ( 理性 ) Judging ( 判斷 ) I N F P Intuition ( 直覺 ) Perceiving ( 感覺 ) 12 Interact with others Interact with others Understand the world Understand the world Decision making Decision making Decision readiness Decision readiness

14 Extraverts INTRAVERTS  Enjoy variety and action  Develop ideas by discussion  Seek out social interaction  Improvise ( 即興 ) in public speaking  Like quiet  Leave others in the dark  Think a lot before action  No strong need to meet people  Speak from manuscripts ( 講稿 ) 13

15  You feel at ease in a crowd  You rapidly get involved in social life at a new workplace  You are usually the first to react to a sudden event: the telephone ringing or unexpected question 14 YESNO YESNO YESNO

16 SENSING INTUITING  Apply step-by-step method  Routine and concrete problems  Build on status quo ( 現狀 )  Just the facts  Insight ( 洞察力 ) into complex problems  See possibilities and implications ( 意涵 )  Prefer change and innovation  Big pictures 15

17 16 As a rule, current preoccupations ( 當務之急 ) worry you more than your future plans You tend to rely on your experience rather than on theoretical alternatives ( 可能性 ) You prefer to act directly rather than speculate ( 思 索 ) about various options YESNO YESNO YESNO

18 THINKING FELLING  Objective and clear criteria  Use logic to decide  Detached ( 超然的 ) and impersonal ( 不帶情感的 )  “Job well done” = success  Subjective criteria  Use values ( 個人價值觀 ) to decide  Personally involved  “Is everyone happy” = success 17

19 18 You find it difficult to talk about your feelings It's difficult to get you excited or make you lose your temper You tend to be unbiased ( 不偏頗 ) even if this might endanger your good relations with people YESNO YESNO YESNO

20 JUDGING PERCEPTION  Likes clarity and order  “Plan your work and work your plan”  Focus on completion  “Just do it”  Open-minded  Tolerate ambiguity  Put off ( 拖延 ) decisions  Make last-minute changes  “See what happens” 19

21 20 You do your best to complete a task on time It is in your nature to assume responsibility You usually plan your actions in advance YESNO YESNO YESNO

22 21 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans ISFP Composer INFP Healer ESFP Performer ESTP Promoter ISTP Crafter INFJ Counselor ENFJ Teacher ENFP Champion INTP Architect INTJ Mastermind ENTJ Fieldmarshal ENTP Inventor ISTJ Inspector ISFJ Protector ESFJ Provider ESTJ Supervisor S: Realistic P: Ambiguous S: Realistic J: Organized N: Abstract T: Reasoning N: Abstract F: Empathetic

23 1.2% 的經理人 和善的、較不計較 的、謙虛的、不慍 不火的、未必要當 領袖但對部屬較為 忠誠、不會強迫別 人接受他的意見。 1.2% 的經理人 外向的、友善的、 較能享受人生的、 生性好動、做事積 極、較容易記得單 一事件、較善於建 立良好的人際關係 4.4% 的經理人 冷靜的旁觀者、冷 面笑匠型、較會追 根究底、對機械較 有興趣的、思緒有 條理、較能切入問 題核心並解決之。 3.9% 的經理人 能見招拆招、當場 解決問題的、好動 且喜歡運動、適應 力強、較為現實、 成果導向、對實務 性的事情較為拿手

24 3.1% 的經理人 安靜的旁觀者、忠 誠度高、重視表裡 合一、較不注重物 慾、極端的理想主 義者、但只要不違 背原則能從善如流 2.9% 的經理人 熱情如火、幹勁十 足、豐富的想像力 隨心所欲、隨機應 變能力強、不喜太 多事前準備、只要 喜歡就能找出藉口 2.4% 的經理人 因內斂而成功、具 原創力、話不多但 影響力十足、因堅 持原則而受尊敬、 因其遠見而廣受尊 重與服從。 1.6% 的經理人 反應快、負責任、 體貼、能自在的面 對人群並帶動團體 討論、社交好、受 歡迎、對讚美或批 判很敏感。

25 2.9% 的經理人 文靜內斂、喜歡理 論與科學、著重邏 輯思考與分析、不 喜歡開趴與八卦、 鑽研於自己的興趣 領域。 4.2% 的經理人 動作快、點子多、 口直心快、性喜狡 辯、能解決新的且 困難的問題但卻忽 視了簡單的細節、 不斷的追求新興趣 6.5% 的經理人 具原創性並致力於 追求自己的理想、 有遠見、善長於歸 納原則、較會嚴格 批判的、獨立、有 毅力、自我要求高 8.2% 的經理人 不作做、決斷力強 並以身作則、求知 慾高、知識豐富、 擅長於解釋與表達 自己的理念、能以 系統思考解決問題

26 23.8% 的經理人 文靜嚴肅、因專注 與仔細而成功、務 實、可靠、有條不 紊、有責任感、自 己設定目標並勇往 直前、不畏讒言。 20.7% 的經理人 務實、實事求是、 有生意頭腦、不喜 歡抽象的理論、喜 歡直接可運用的東 西、通常是好的行 政主管、著重小節 6.5% 的經理人 安靜、友善、有責 任感、富正義感、 努力盡義務、團體 因其存在而穩定、 心思縝密、關心他 人的感受。 5.9% 的經理人 古道熱腸、有道德 良心、受歡迎、需 要並努力創造和諧 的氣氛、努力去滿 足別人的需求、對 他人的感受很敏感

27 26 Suited to standard operations and by-the-book procedures; good at arranging & establishing order Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Entertainers Operators Advocates Mentors Engineers Coordinators Administrator Conservators Intrigued by machines and by organisms, the 2 systematic entities Scientists and biologists Good at handling and operating equipments, instruments, and people Interest in all kinds of art craft Good at influencing the growth and maturation of others HR managers and teachers

28 27  Think of some one who you don ’ t like very much  On a piece of paper, write down a description of that person Introvert or Extrovert Sensing or Intuiting Thinking or Feeling Judging or Perceiving

29 28 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning 1 4 4 211

30 29 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning 5 3 1 3 12

31 30 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning 1 3 ESFP Performers 4

32 31 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans S: Realistic P: Ambiguous N: Abstract F: Empathetic N: Abstract T: Reasoning 8 0 8 4 20

33 32 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans ISFP Composer INFP Healer ESFP Performer ESTP Promoter ISTP Crafter INFJ Counselor ENFJ Teacher ENFP Champion INTP Architect INTJ Mastermind ENTJ Fieldmarshal ENTP Inventor ISTJ Inspector ISFJ Protector ESFJ Provider ESTJ Supervisor 3 6 2 4 2 4 8 0 8 1 2

34 33

35 34 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans ISFP Composer INFP Healer ESFP Performer ESTP Promoter ISTP Crafter INFJ Counselor ENFJ Teacher ENFP Champion INTP Architect INTJ Mastermind ENTJ Fieldmarshal ENTP Inventor ISTJ Inspector ISFJ Protector ESFJ Provider ESTJ Supervisor 3 6 2 4 2 4 8 0 1 2

36 35 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Team 1Team 2Team 3Team 4Team 5

37 36 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Team 6Team 7Team 8Team 9Total

38  What is your team personality?  What are your team’ strengths and weaknesses? 37

39  What tasks will your team be good at? What tasks presents more challenges for your team?  Which is better: Teams composed of individuals with similar or dissimilar personality traits? 38

40 I nvestigative R ealistic A rtistic C onventional E nterprising S ocial 39

41  Personality-job fit Holland identifies six personality types and proposes that the fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover 40  Personality-job fit fit between personality type and occupational environment determines satisfaction and turnover

42 41

43 Realistic Investigative  Prefers physical activities that require skill, strength, and coordination Mechanic assembly line worker farmer  Prefers activities that involve thinking, organizing, and understanding Biologist economist mathematician news reporter 42

44 Conventional Enterprising  Prefers rule-regulated, orderly, and unambiguous activities accountant corporate manager bank teller file clerk  Prefers verbal activities in which there are opportunities to influence other and attain power lawyer real estate agent public relations specialist small business manager 43

45 Social Artistic  Prefers activities that involve helping and developing others social worker teacher counselor clinical psychologist  Prefers ambiguous and unsystematic activities that allow creative expression painter musician writer interior decorator 44

46 67 50 44 94 44 33 I nvestigative R ealistic A rtistic C onventional E nterprising S ocial 45

47 I nvestigative R ealistic A rtistic C onventional E nterprising S ocial 28 11 28 67 50 89 46

48 47 Personality & MBTI

49  To help students to be aware of their own emotion and the benefits of listening to others’ emotional experiences  To help students to understand why there is usually a discrepancy between felt and expressed emotions 48

50 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans 1 4 4 211

51 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans 5 3 1 3 12

52 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans 1 3 ESFP Performers 4

53 Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans Guardians Rationales Idealists Artisans 8 0 8 4 20

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