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Prokaryotic Cells 1.1 IB Biology.

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1 Prokaryotic Cells 1.1 IB Biology

2 Prokaryotic Cell DNA is concentrated in a non-membrane enclosed region
Has no true nucleus or membrane bound organelles Simpler in structure than Eukaryotic cell Examples include bacteria and archaea

3 Prokaryotic Cell Flagellum Nucleoid (DNA) Ribosome Cell Membrane
Cell wall Capsule Cytoplasm Pili

4 Prokaryotic Structures
Cell Wall: Rigid Structure outside plasma membrane Plasma Membrane: Membrane enclosing cytoplasm, controls what enters and exits cell. Nucleoid: Condensed area of DNA within cell

5 Prokaryote Organelles
Flagella: Provides means of movement in some prokaryotes. Cytoplasm: Interior of the cell, contains organelles and DNA Ribosome: Produces proteins Pili: Hair like structure on outside of cell used for attachment.

6 Prokaryotic Division: Binary Fission

7 Prokaryotic Division: Binary Fission
DNA is coiled before reproduction The DNA of the bacterium replicates The DNS is pulled to opposite sides (poles) of cell Cell wall grows in preparation for division Cell wall divides causing cell to divide Two cells (daughter cells) have coiled DNA, ribosomes and plasmids

8 Prokaryotic Cell Google E-coli and draw the structure
Label the following parts: Nucleoid, Flagella, Cytoplasm, Ribosome, Pili, Cell Wall, Plasma Membrane, Cell Capsule.

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