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Middlewich Primary School How do our teachers answer the question: ‘How well is my child doing at school?’

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Presentation on theme: "Middlewich Primary School How do our teachers answer the question: ‘How well is my child doing at school?’"— Presentation transcript:

1 Middlewich Primary School How do our teachers answer the question: ‘How well is my child doing at school?’

2  Good quality assessment information builds a clear picture of what child is able to do and what areas they need to work on.  We are able to identify where a child may be underperforming in their work.  We can track how well groups of pupils are doing (e.g. boys/girls, pupil premium, higher attaining children, children with special educational needs)

3  On-going, daily assessment  Supports teachers’ planning, including differentiation How we do this:  Information from parents/carers  Marking children’s work  Observing, questioning and conversations in lessons  Liaising with other staff members in the classroom

4  Children’s survey  Key messages- ‘mark tough’ ‘more stickers’  Children want useful feedback that will be help them improve  Examples to share

5  Produced by us for our pupils  Based on a skills approach  Year group expectations based upon the National Curriculum requirements for each year group.  ‘understood’ and ‘mastered’

6 End of each term:  1: slow progress  2: good progress  3: accelerated progress (NB Only pupils who have previously fallen behind would be expected to make accelerated progress.)

7  Insufficient progress documentation  Working with SENDco where appropriate Actions include:  Additional group work with teacher- ‘Booster sessions’  Focus areas identified by the teacher  Interventions e.g. 1:1 reading  Visual resources  Targeted homework

8  End of year tests to provide attainment information  Non-verbal reasoning assessments EYFS & Key Stage One:  EYFS: Good Level of Development (GLD)  Phonics Check at Year 1  End of Key Stage 1: tests in reading and maths (and spelling, punctuation and grammar), teacher assessments in writing

9 Key Stage Two  End of Key Stage 2: tests in reading, SPAG and maths, teacher assessments in writing  NFER tests for years 3-5 in reading and maths

10  All of this assessment information give us a clear picture of academic progress.  But that’s just one part of the picture!  Working with you and knowing child, ensures that every pupil is given the maximum opportunity to become a responsible, respectful, and resilient members of our community.

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