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Rotation Notes (Part 2). Rotational Inertia Remember the law of inertia: Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. The same idea can be applied to rotation…

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1 Rotation Notes (Part 2)

2 Rotational Inertia Remember the law of inertia: Objects in motion tend to stay in motion. The same idea can be applied to rotation…

3 Rotational Inertia (cont.) Objects rotating tend to stay rotating. also: The greater the mass, the greater the inertia. Rotational inertia is similar… “The further the bulk of the mass is from the axis of rotation, the greater the rotational inertia.”

4 Concept Questions… Why do bikes have spokes? Why is an Aerobie better than a Frisbee? Golf clubs

5 Angular Momentum Once again, think of regular old momentum. P = mv If the mass was halved, the speed doubles. L Right Hand Rule: If your fingers point in the direction that the wheel spins, your thumb points in the direction of the angular momentum.

6 Angular Momentum For angular momentum… L = mvr If the radius is decreased, the velocity is increased, so momentum is conserved!!!

7 Angular Momentum Rotational Stability – It’s conservation of angular momentum! Why it is easier to balance on a bike when moving… Spiral on a football keeps the football aerodynamically sound. Rifle – same deal Gyro’s

8  = F ┴ ·r Units: N·m Torque DOOR HINGE

9 Chivalry vs. Practicality  Carrying a suitcase… the job is easier with one on each side. Cars…  Torque Wrench  Pipe Over Wrench  Engine Torque Wrestling… Torque

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