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Career Prep - CTR 1210.  Most back injuries are caused by lifting, pushing or pulling objects  Back injuries include muscle strains and sprains  Some.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Prep - CTR 1210.  Most back injuries are caused by lifting, pushing or pulling objects  Back injuries include muscle strains and sprains  Some."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Prep - CTR 1210

2  Most back injuries are caused by lifting, pushing or pulling objects  Back injuries include muscle strains and sprains  Some workplaces have higher rates of back injuries than others  A fit back depends on muscle strength, flexibility and cardio-vascular fitness  A fit body includes a fit back

3  Back injuries cost businesses billions of dollars each year ◦ Finding the problem, treating the injury and loss of work time are all costs of back injuries  Once a back is injured, it is 10 times more likely to be injured again  The best way to prevent back injuries is to care for your back and body at all times  More than 61% of back injuries are in the lower back

4  Backs can be injured by bending forward, poor posture and not sitting properly  The following work areas have the highest number of back injuries: ◦ Construction & Trade Services ◦ Retail & Wholesale Trade Services (grocery, warehouses, etc.) ◦ Transportation, communication & utilities (trucking) ◦ Manufacturing & Processing ◦ Personal & Health Services (health care, restaurants)

5  A fit body has the following: ◦ STRENGTH ◦ FLEXIBILITY ◦ CARDIO-VASCULAR HEALTH  Proper rest is essential to preventing back problems – the discs and vertebrae are allowed to expand and re-set ◦ People are actually approximately 2.5 cm taller in the morning than when they went to bed the night before!

6  Muscles get stronger when used regularly  Proper weight training can improve muscle strength  Strong muscles: ◦ Support the body’s frame ◦ Increase work efficiency ◦ Reduce the chance of back injury

7  Flexibility is as important as muscle strength  Flexible muscles and joints are less likely to be injured  Muscles and joints that are not flexible: ◦ Restrict movement ◦ Increase stress on other muscles and joints ◦ Alter posture

8  Cardio-vascular fitness refers to the health of your heart and blood vessels  This type of fitness helps the heart and lungs provide oxygen to the muscles  Oxygen is the fuel that muscles use to do work  Cardio-vascular fitness is helped by activity that makes the heart beat faster (ie. running, skiing, swimming, etc.)

9  Video reflection sheets must be turned in at the end of class

10  Cardio-Vascular ◦ The flow of blood to and from the heart through the blood vessels  Joints ◦ The point where two bones meet  Posture ◦ The body’s position (sitting, standing upright)  Skeletal System ◦ The body’s frame – it consists of bones and cartilage that support and protect the body

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