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All of Chapter 3.  Occurs in all ___ things  ___ divide their cells to reproduce  ___ use cell division for growth, development, repair, and reproduction.

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Presentation on theme: "All of Chapter 3.  Occurs in all ___ things  ___ divide their cells to reproduce  ___ use cell division for growth, development, repair, and reproduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 All of Chapter 3

2  Occurs in all ___ things  ___ divide their cells to reproduce  ___ use cell division for growth, development, repair, and reproduction  Needs ___ to occur  When a cell divides, each new cell gets a full set of DNA

3  Located inside the ___  DNA (___) is a chemical that contains ___ for an organism’s ___ and ___  ____ structure  Two strands that twist and are connected by rods of ___

4  Let’s not forget that DNA gives us our ___  This is why people look different from others around the world  DNA accounts for many things, such as ___, height, and even certain ___ traits!

5  ___ are structures of ___ DNA  DNA tightly wraps itself into coils around proteins  When a cell is ready to ___, the chromosomes come together and become ___  You can even see them under a light microscope!!!!


7  When chromosomes ___ to make a second copy of DNA, they still stay attached to the old copy  Called ___  Chromatids look like an ___ and are attached in the middle by a ___


9  Even when you appear to stop growing, cell division ___  Average adult has about ___ cells!  Cells take on different ___ and ___ to perform different functions  Called ___  This is why your stomach cells and bone cells are different in appearance and function

10  When your group is called, you will come up to the red table and look at the four prepared microscope slides.  Be careful not to touch the stage or slide because it is perfectly focused on what you need to be looking at! You may move the adjustment knob to focus only!  Choose a cell in your specimen that you feel shows the cell division process occurring. In the table below, draw what you observe and record 3 detailed observations for each specimen you view.

11  In your notes section, create the following table: MicroscopeDrawing of 1 Cell3 observations 1 2

12  Answer the following questions under your data table  Predict what was happening to the parts of the cell in the specimen you observed. What evidence and prior knowledge do you have to support this?  Were you able to see multiple examples of cell division taking place or only one? Why do you think this was the case? Did this surprise you?

13  While you are waiting for your group to be called up, turn to page 80  Begin reading chapter 3.2  Record each phase of mitosis and describe the defining characteristics for each phase  When you complete your observations, try to identify each of these phases in your specimens

14  _____is the normal ___ and division of a cell  Only ___ cells undergo ___  This process can take anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of years depending on the type of cell!

15 Cytokinesis

16  _____  Part of the cell cycle when a cell is ___  In this phase, DNA begins to ___ and the cell grows ___ its size  There are ___ in between DNA replication  Think of this as the “___” part of the cell cycle

17  ___  Part of the cell cycle during which the nucleus ___.  ___  DNA in the nucleus ___ to create chromosomes ▪ Chromosomes are ___ connected together  Nucleus membrane ___

18  ___  Chromosomes line up in the ___ of the cell to get ready for mitosis

19  ___  Chromatids ___ from the ___, making two separate chromosomes  These chromosomes go to ___ ends of the cell

20  ___  A ___ forms around each group of chromosomes  Chromosomes ___ and DNA goes back to their looser form  When the cells split into two, we call each new cell a “___”

21  Occurs___ after mitosis  The ___ in the cell  In ___ cells, a ___ forms in the center of the dividing cell  This ring contracts, pulling the membrane inward and pinching the cell into two  In ___ cells, a ___forms in between the two new nuclei  This plate becomes a cell wall

22  andgenetics/mitosis/ andgenetics/mitosis/

23 Purpose: To demonstrate understanding of each process of mitosis, as well as the transition from one phase to the next. Using PowerPoint or Prezi, create a flip book to show the processes of mitosis. Provide detailed explanations about each phase and include a picture to show what each phase looks like.

24  You will be working with a clock buddy  Person 1:  Research details for interphase, prophase, and metaphase  Provide descriptions and images  Research images for transitional phases between these  Person 2:  Research details for anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis  Provide descriptions and images  Research images for transitional phases between these

25 Requirement1 pt3 pts5pts Sequence More than half of the phases are out of sequence (3+ are not). Transitional phases may or may not be included Almost all phases are in the proper sequence (1-2 are not). Transitional phases may or may not be included Each phase is in the proper sequence and transitional phases are included (ex: between interphase and prophase) Description Less than than half of major phases contain a detailed description of appearance and events (3+ do not) Most major phases contain a detailed description of appearance and events (1-2 do not) All major phases contain a detailed description of appearance and events Illustrations Less than than half of phases and contain an accurate & colorful illustration (3+ do not) Most phases and transitional phases contain an accurate & colorful illustration (1-2 do not) All phases and transitional phases contain an accurate & colorful illustration Grammar/Spell ing There are many spelling or grammatical mistakes (4+). Presentation is not neat or organized. There are few spelling or grammatical mistakes (1- 3). Presentation is neat and organized. There are no spelling or grammatical mistakes. Presentation is neat and organized.

26  DNA- a chemical that contains genetic information for an organism’s growth and functions. It is a double helix structure and contains nucleotides.  Chromosome- the physical structure in a cell that contains the cell’s genetic material… DNA wraps around proteins to create them  Chromatid- one half of a chromosome; one set of DNA that is then duplicated


28  Interphase- the part of the cell cycle during which a cell is not dividing  Prophase- the part of mitosis in which the nuclear membrane disappears and chromosomes form  Metaphase- the part of mitosis in which chromosomes line up in the center of the cell and spindle fibers attach to the chromosomes

29  Anaphase- the part of mitosis in which chromosomes are pulled apart and brought to opposite ends of the cell  Telophase- the part of mitosis in which a new nuclear membrane forms around each new set of DNA and chromosomes uncoil  Cytokinesis- the division of the cytoplasm in a cell undergoing mitosis

30  Cell Cycle- The continuous pattern of a cell’s life, including growth and replication  Mitosis- The part of a cell’s life in which the nucleus divides to create two identical cells  Asexual Reproduction- the process by which a single organism produces offspring that have the same genetic material

31  ___  One organism produces one or more new organisms that are ___ to itself and live___ of it  Organism that produces new organisms is called the ___  New organisms are called ___

32  ___  A form of ___ reproduction that occurs in ___ cells only  Produces two completely ___  In unicellular organisms, ___ are the same thing!

33  ___  Both ___ cells can reproduce by budding  An organism ___ on its body, which forms into a new offspring  Buds can either ___ to parent or ___ when they get too big  Identical genetic material to parents

34  BEk BEk

35  In this lab, you will be exploring asexual reproduction in yeast.  As we learned, yeast reproduces by budding, which means that it creates buds that eventually will fall off once the buds reach a certain size. These buds will become more yeast cells that live independently of its parent cell

36  “I predict that……. because……”  What are you predicting to see under the microscope?  How quickly will you see this?  How many will you see?  Why do you think you will see this?

37  Person 1  Get a microscope and paper towel  Person 2  Get a slide and specimen

38  tPNs tPNs (start at 0:25)

39  ___  New tissue growth at a site of a wound  Can either mend a wound or form a new offspring




43  fD4 fD4  UwM UwM  3GvA 3GvA

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