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1. Set realistic expectations Accept the fact that you will not understand everything Your ear and your mind are adjusting to the sounds and the rhythm.

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3 1. Set realistic expectations Accept the fact that you will not understand everything Your ear and your mind are adjusting to the sounds and the rhythm of the language The way to learn Spanish is through practice, practice, and more practice. You will make errors... and you will learn from them.

4 2.Break study time into smaller chunks Language students learn more effectively and retain more when they study frequently and for shorter periods of time. Try to study each day Through repetition of material, it will become increasingly familiar, until it becomes an automatic part of your language repertoire.

5 3. Learn vocabulary effectively Vocabulary is the most essential element of communication Make your own flash cards! Color code 3x5 cards Draw pictures Shuffle the cards Use the cards in both directions

6 4. Practice language actively Speak the language aloud rather than reciting it silently to yourself Vocabulary words Passages in the text Pronunciation activities Write out the answers to activities rather than gliding through them in your mind

7 5. Do homework conscientiously Don’t guess! Don’t reinforce errors! Look up words and genders you don’t know Refer to charts and other resources available to you Read instructor feedback on writing assignments Ask clarifying questions when necessary

8 6. Form study groups Meet regularly with classmates Work on homework assignments Study vocabulary lists Practice speaking the language Discuss concepts and material and covered in class

9 7. Identify your learning style Try not to get frustrated if someone else seems to be progressing more quickly than you Identify your personal strengths and let them help you in your learning process Identify your personal learning barriers and make efforts to overcome them

10 8.Maximize your language exposure Practice Spanish with a classmate outside of class Befriend a native speaker Watch a movie in Spanish Listen to authentic audio or video online

11 9. Spend time on task Pay attention in class! If you finish a partner activity early, converse in Spanish on a related topic Start your homework before the bells rings Work on supplemental activities

12 10. Communicate with your teacher Take responsibility for your learning! Seek immediate help when you need it! Be proactive about making up missed work!

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