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Plot Structure.

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1 Plot Structure

2 What Does “Plot” Mean? PLOT is the literary element that describes the structure of a story. It shows the a causal arrangement of events and actions within a story. Every story has a plot, although the way that plot develops differs.

3 Freytag’s Plot Pyramid
German novelist Gustav Freytag believed that the plot of most narratives could be divided into five main parts: Exposition Inciting Incident Rising Action Climax Falling Action Resolution/Denoument

4 The Pyramid Looks Like This:

5 1. Exposition Definition: Background information which tells us something about the plot or characters of a story. Exposition usually comes at the beginning of a story. Exposition helps us to understand the context (the circumstances) of a situation.

6 2. Inciting Incident Definition: This is an event which helps to get things moving. It is an event or situation which forces the protagonist into action.

7 3. Rising Action Definition: The events leading up to the point of greatest importance in a story. During this part of the story, the protagonist comes to understand what they need to do – what goal they want to achieve, or what obstacle to overcome. At the point, the character faces challenges which help prepare them for the most important challenge, which is still to come.

8 4. Climax Definition: The peak of the action, when the conflict reaches the crisis point. When the climax occurs, the reader can usually predict what will happen to the characters thereafter. The climax is where all of the action builds to a breaking point, but that doesn’t mean that it is necessarily the most exciting part of the story.

9 5. Falling Action Definition: The events following the climax.
In many cases, the falling action shows the effects of the climax. Falling action isn’t boring. We often learn a great deal about characters and themes in this section of a story.

10 6. Resolution/Denoument
Definition: The outcome. The final part of a narrative in which the strands of the plot are drawn together and matters are explained or resolved. Usually occurs at or near the end of a story.

11 One Last Thing Every Plot Must Have . . .

12 Conflict Definition: The problem in a story, or the struggle faced by the main character. Conflict is essential to the plot. The protagonist tries to solve the conflict, and in doing so (or failing to do so), the plot reaches its resolution. There can be more than one conflict in a story. Some conflicts are small, others are more substantial.

13 The Two Types of Conflict
External Conflict A struggle between a character and an outside force. Can be another character (man vs. man), a force of nature (man vs. nature), the Gods, or fate. Internal Conflict: A struggle that takes place within a character. A character has to resolve their feelings about something, struggle with their conscience, or in some way resolve a personal struggle that involves no outside forces.

14 Your Task: Create a chart depicting Freytag’s Pyramid. For each element, explain how author Sue Monk Kidd depicts these elements in The Secret Life of Bees.

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