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HEAR, Now and Forever? How the University of Bedfordshire is engaging with the HEAR.

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Presentation on theme: "HEAR, Now and Forever? How the University of Bedfordshire is engaging with the HEAR."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEAR, Now and Forever? How the University of Bedfordshire is engaging with the HEAR

2 University of Bedfordshire The HEAR at UoB – formative and developmental

3 Issues and Solutions

4 University of Bedfordshire What obstacles exist to increasing employability? EmployersStudentsInstitution Academic jargonInability to articulate value Disconnections Understanding graduate values Lack of understanding of employability Developing relevant professionalism Accessibility of HE offering Informed engagement Distinctive evidence

5 Where we see the HEAR can help our student learning experience Section 4.2 GIS – Graduate Impact Statements Unit titles – showing relevance to employers and students Assessment types - demonstrating richness of learning through breadth and scope Section 6.1 Bedfordshire Edge and Bedfordshire Edge Plus Volunteering Course Reps/ Peer Advisers/ PALs University of Bedfordshire

6 Graduate Impact Statements Short, course–specific essential elements distil the value of each particular course Articulating to employers what a graduate of this course can do in accessible, relevant language Minimum of 3 elements – detailing graduate impact in: Knowledge and understanding Personal skills related to discipline Professional skills related to discipline Maybe also – enterprise? University of Bedfordshire

7 GIS are the key to the HEAR GIS engage employers, students and academics with the relevance, currency and connection between a course and the future They are a vehicle to develop conversations about content and purpose, to articulate reasons and relevance They embrace the need for HE to articulate its value externally as well as internally University of Bedfordshire

8 How Bedfordshire is using the HEAR as a tool to increase academic effectiveness Institution ConnectionsGIS unite curriculum development and content with professional bodies, employers, academics, academic support teams and students Developing relevant professionalism CPD framework reflects GIS /adds heightened employer involvement Distinctive evidence GIS + 6.1+ CPD framework for staff and students sharing a journey and a common professional language

9 Your task What would you write as the 3 Graduate Impact Statements for the given course? 15 mins Remember: 3 elements – an individual’s impact in: Knowledge and understanding Personal skills related to discipline Professional skills related to discipline University of Bedfordshire

10 How we see the HEAR can help Institution Making connections GIS requires development of curriculum and content with professional bodies, employers, academics, academic support teams and students Developing relevant professionalism CPD framework, heightened employer involvement Distinctive evidence GIS + 6.1+ CPD shared framework for staff and students

11 University of Bedfordshire How we see the HEAR can help Students Ability to articulate value GIS ensure conversations/ infuse the language of employability throughout a course, in content, assessments and achievements Build understanding of employability Language and scope of employability introduced from the start of every academic career Informed engagementDelivered through GIS + 6.1+ CPD framework

12 University of Bedfordshire How we see the HEAR can help Employers Academic jargonGIS + 4.2 + 6.1 Understanding graduate valuesGIS Accessibility of HE offeringGIS + 6.1

13 Your thoughts… ? ? ? University of Bedfordshire

14 HEAR – highlighting employability throughout our curriculum

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