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GLOBAL WARMING IMPACTS. Fig_06_01 Departures from 1951-80 March temperatures (NASA)

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3 Fig_06_01 Departures from 1951-80 March temperatures (NASA)

4 Fig_06_02 Rate of temperature change, 1901-2008

5 Fig_06_03

6 Fig_06_04 Percent change over the last 50 years in average annual precipitation

7 Fig_06_05 Average # days above 90F from 1961-2099

8 Fig_06_06 Shifts in projected forests under global warming

9 Fig_06_07 Winter temperature trends 1975-2007 affects growing season, pests

10 Fig_06_08

11 Fig_06_09 % of total 19,958 deaths due to hazards from 1970-2004.

12 Fig_06_10 Geography of existing vulnerability to climate-sensitive health issues

13 Fig_06_11 20 th Century precipitation changes.

14 Fig_06_12 # Days temperature exceeds 90F

15 Fig_06_13 Shift in climate zones will lead to warmer, drier conditions in the Midwest.

16 Summer temperature changes by end of the Century Source: Low emission scenario High emission scenario

17 Fig_06_15 Future precipitation: Spring decreases for 2080-99 compared to 1961-79 mean.


19 Fig_06_16 What’s going to happen to the coasts?

20 Fig_06_17 Fairbanks, Alaska trend in longer frost-free season. What are the benefits? Costs?

21 Climate Change & California

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