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#msitconf. Damien Caro Technical Evangelist Manager, Что будет, если приложение поместить в контейнер? What happens if the application.

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Presentation on theme: "#msitconf. Damien Caro Technical Evangelist Manager, Что будет, если приложение поместить в контейнер? What happens if the application."— Presentation transcript:

1 #msitconf

2 Damien Caro Technical Evangelist Manager, Microsoft @dcaro Что будет, если приложение поместить в контейнер? What happens if the application is placed in a container?

3 Agenda  Why containers?  How to create an application in a container?  Running an application in a world of containers  Managing containers  Questions ?

4 Shipping evolved

5 Isolation Techniques More Isolated Threads Processes Process level Virtual Machines Java,.Net Process Groups Job Objects System Virtual Machines Hpyer-V, Xen, VMWare Operating System VMs Ex: IBM CP/CPS Containers Docker on Linux Application Virtualization App-V, VMWare ThinApp

6 Why Containers ?  DevOps  People, process & tools integration  Optimized app development process  Operations focused on standardized infrastructure  Developers focused on building deploying and testing apps.  Developers  Write-once, run-anywhere  Deployed as multi-tier distributed apps  Powerful abstraction for microservices  Operations  Familiar deployment models  Standardized environments for development, QA and production.  Abstract the differences in OS distributions and underlying infrastructure  Higher utilization and compute density  Rapid scale-up / scale down

7 Creating your first container  Docker fundamentals  Provisioning your VM  Technical requirement  Constraints  Running Hello World  Getting a container  Docker Hub

8 Docker Architecture – High level Docker ClientDocker Engine Docker Hub Docker Registry A Docker Registry B … Public Repository Private Repository

9 Docker Architecture  Cient-Server architecture  Client talk to daemon (can be on the same machine)  Docker Host can run multiple containers

10 Docker Architecture Docker Client Docker Engine Linux Kernel Resource Management / namespace virt.Networking Storage / File system cgroups selinuxnetlinknetfilter apparmornamespacesbridgevfsAUFS DeviceMapper btrfs libcontainer Docker-Networkgraph libvirtlxc Optional, in place of libcontainer

11 Running an application  Images  Read-only template  The base to create containers  Registry  The store for the Docker images  Public or private  Containers  Networking  Port mapping  IP Address  DockerFile

12 Microsoft IT Conference #MSITConf ДЕМОНСТРАЦИЯ Hello World – Running a container

13 Managing containers

14 Kubernetes  Manage a cluster of containers  Labels & Pods  Group of containers with shared columes  Logical units  Smallest unit that can be created with Kubernetes  Definition based on JSON files  Azure supports Kubernetes hosts on VMs  Deployment provided via simple Shell script

15 Microsoft Azure Pod Kubernetes architecture Master Server

16 Sample pod definition { “id”: “redis-master”, “kind”: “Pod”, “apiVersion”: “v1beta1”, “desiredState”: { “manifest”: { “version”: “v1beta1”, “id”: “redis-master”, “containers”: [{ “name”: “master”, “image”: “dockerfile/redis”, “cpu”: 100, “ports”: [{ “containerPort”: 6379, “hostPort”: 6379 }] } }, “labels”: { “name”: “redis-master” }

17 Demo script  Azure supports Kubernetes hosts on VMs  Deployment provided via simple Shell script

18 Microsoft IT Conference #MSITConf ДЕМОНСТРАЦИЯ Deploying containers in Azure with Kubernetes

19 Summary  Why containers in the cloud world?  Running a simple container  Creating your own container  Managing containers with Kubernetes on Azure

20 Resources  Azure  Using Docker on Azure: Azure Azure  Docker  Documentation:  User guide:  Docker Hub:  Kubernetes  GitHub  MSOpenTech  Using Docker and Kubernetes on Azure: microsoft-azure-with-kubernetes-visualizer/ microsoft-azure-with-kubernetes-visualizer/

21 Questions?  Damien Caro  Technical Evangelist Manager    @dcaro

22 ©2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Office, Azure, System Center, Dynamics and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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