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Metamorphic Rocks - A rock that has been changed by extreme heat and/or pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "Metamorphic Rocks - A rock that has been changed by extreme heat and/or pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metamorphic Rocks - A rock that has been changed by extreme heat and/or pressure.

2 “morph” means to change (like the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers No melting but the texture or chemistry changed. Heat – comes from overlying rock and/or nearby magma Pressure – comes from overlying rock and/or squeezing from plate tectonics.

3 Types of Metamorphism 1)Contact Metamorphism – when molten rock comes in contact with solid rock Relatively thin layer of metamorphism around an igneous intrusion.

4 Rhyolite Mafic Intrusion Contact metamorphism

5 2) Hydrothermal Metamorphism “hydro” means water “thermal” means heat Associated with the mid-ocean ridge and black smokers.

6 3) Regional Metamorphism large area of metamorphism (ex. New England is one big area of regional metamorphism) Associated with convergent boundaries. Classified as either high, medium, or low grade.

7 Metamorphic Textures 1) Foliated – have layers or bands of minerals. pressure caused minerals to align in the same direction – Examples: Schist (comes from mica) Gneiss (comes from granite)


9 Metamorphic Textures 2) Non-Foliated – no layers. Mostly a result of heat. Examples: -Quartzite (comes from quartz or sandstone) - Marble (comes from limestone) - good for sculptures.

10 *Any type of rock (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) can be changed into any other type of rock! - This is called the ROCK CYCLE. Rocks-01.htm Rocks-01.htm

11 Rock Cycle Awesome Rock Cycle Animation

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