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[OII] Lisa Kewley Australian National University.

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Presentation on theme: "[OII] Lisa Kewley Australian National University."— Presentation transcript:

1 [OII] Lisa Kewley Australian National University

2 [OII] Thank you to the LOC and SOC Jeff RichI-Ting Ho Rebecca Davies Anne Medling Credit goes to Elise Hampton David Nicholls

3 [OII] Results in this talk are from: SAMI: Australian Astronomical Observatory 2016: 3000 galaxies 2025: 100,000 galaxies (HECTOR) S7: Australian 2.3m WiFeS ~140 AGN WIGS: Australian 2.3m WiFeS ~40 U/LIRGS

4 [OII] ISM Spectral Diagnostics [OII]

5 [OII] ISM Spectral diagnostics Metallicity (amount of metals) Metallicity (amount of metals) [OII]

6 [OII] Metallicity Metallicity Star Formation Rate Star Formation Rate [OII] ISM Spectral Diagnostics

7 [OII] Metallicity Metallicity Star Formation Rate Star Formation Rate Electron Density Electron Density [OII]

8 [OII] ISM Spectral Diagnostics Metallicity Metallicity Star Formation Rate Star Formation Rate Electron Density Electron Density Ionizing Source Ionizing Source [OII]

9 [OII] ISM Spectral Diagnostics Metallicity Metallicity Star Formation Rate Star Formation Rate Electron Density Electron Density Ionizing Source Ionizing Source Ionization Parameter Ionization Parameter [OII]

10 [OII] ISM Spectral Diagnostics Metallicity Metallicity Star Formation Rate Star Formation Rate Electron Density Electron Density Ionizing Source Ionizing Source Ionization Parameter Ionization Parameter Shock properties Shock properties [OII]

11 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM ? Star formation AGN Gas inflow

12 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formationOutflows AGN Gas inflow

13 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow

14 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow

15 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow

16 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? When? How much? Mechanism?

17 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM ? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? When? How much? Mechanism? ? How common? How much mass loss? How common? How much mass loss? ?

18 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? When? How much? What mechanism? ? How common? How much mass loss? How common? How much mass loss? ? How do metals Build up in disks? ?

19 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? When? How much? What mechanism? ? How common? How much mass loss? How common? How much mass loss? ? How do metals Build up in disks? ? ? How much Metals/mass lost? Effect on Host?

20 [OII] What can we learn from the ISM? Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? ? How common? How much mass loss? How common? How much mass loss? ? How do metals Build up in disks? ? ? Connection? How much Metals/mass lost? Effect on Host?

21 [OII] Gas Inflows through IFU data Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? ? ? ? ? Connection?

22 [OII] Spiral Galaxy Metallicities HST view of M101 Image credit: Kunz et al. 2009 Bresolin (2007)

23 [OII] Inflows flatten gas-phase gradients HST view of M101 Image credit: Kunz et al. 2009 Bresolin (2007) Nuclear metallicity diluted with pristine gas Gas flows down spiral arms

24 [OII] Kewley et al. (2010, ApJL, 131, 2004) Metallicity Gradients: A Smoking Gun for major gas inflows Isolated Dotted, dashed = mergers

25 [OII] Gas Inflows flatten gradients in U/LIRGs Rich et al. 2012, ApJ, 753, 5 Using the ANU WiFeS IFU Also: Kewley+06,+10, Rosa+14, Husemann+14, Ho+15 Isolated Wide Pair Close Pair Late Merger

26 [OII] Metallicity gradients in QSOs Husemann+14 Sanchez+12 Normal spiral gradient

27 [OII] Side note on metallicity diagnostic discrepancies... Kewley & Ellison (2008)

28 [OII] Metallicity Diagnostic Discrepancies... it is a bit like US politics

29 [OII]

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32 [OII]

33 [OII]

34 [OII] Resolution of discrepancies Strong Line Methods - atomic data - relative abundances - depletion factors - e - temperature distribution Strong Line Methods - atomic data - relative abundances - depletion factors - e - temperature distribution Empirical Methods -e - temperature fluctuations / gradients - e - temperature distribution Empirical Methods -e - temperature fluctuations / gradients - e - temperature distribution Nicholls et al. (2012, 2013, 2016 in prep)

35 [OII] ISM conditions Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? ? ? ? ? Connection?

36 [OII] Optical Diagnostic Diagram 36 log([NII]/H  ) log([OIII]/H  )

37 [OII] Star-forming Abundance Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Electron density (n e ) Hardness of EUV radiation field 37 Sensitive to:

38 [OII] Star-Forming Abundance Sequence Kewley et al. 2013a, ApJ, 774, 110

39 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 39 Shape and position from:

40 [OII] Photoionization Models AGN position & metallicity 40 Low Metallicity High Metallicity AGN locus depends on metallicity Kewley et al. 2013a, ApJ, 774, 110

41 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 41 Shape and position from: Metallicity

42 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 42 Shape and position from: Metallicity

43 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 43 Shape and position from: Ionization parameter

44 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 44 Shape and position from: Ionization parameter

45 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 45 Shape and position from: Ionization parameter

46 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 46 Shape and position from: EUV Hardness

47 [OII] AGN Mixing Sequence Metallicity (Z) Ionization parameter (q) Power-law index (  ) (EUV hardness) 47 Shape and position from: EUV Hardness

48 [OII] Nuclear spectra of 45,000 galaxies 48 Each data Point is one galaxy

49 [OII] Integral field spectra of one galaxy Each data Point is one Spaxel (spatial pixel)

50 [OII] Integral field spectra of one galaxy Each data Point is one Spaxel (spatial pixel)

51 [OII] Star formation vs AGN Composite spaxels form a clean ring of mixed Starburst-AGN activity Davies, Rich, Kewley & Dopita (2014, MNRAS, 439, 3835)

52 [OII] NLR radius AGN contribution to each line Subtraction of AGN (SFR, metallicities) Subtraction of starburst (AGN luminosity, Eddington rate) Measurement of AGN NLR properties (metallicity, U,  IFU + Photoionization models

53 [OII] Composite Galaxies Kewley et al. 2006

54 [OII] Composite Galaxies

55 [OII] Composites are not Starburst+Sy2 They are mostly Starburst + shocks Hampton et al. (2016)

56 [OII] Gas Inflows through IFU data Star formation Metals Outflows AGN Gas inflow ? ? ? ? ? ? Connection?

57 [OII] Tracing Outflows with Shocks in SAMI Three velocity dispersion peaks Shocks HII ?? Ho et al. (2014); see also Ho et al. (2016)

58 [OII] SAMI Shocks: an isolated SF galaxy log([NII]/H  ) HII ?? Shocks Ho et al. (2014); see also Ho et al. (2016)

59 [OII] SAMI Shocks: an isolated SF galaxy log([NII]/H  ) HII ?? Shocks Ho et al. (2014); see also Ho et al. (2016)

60 [OII] SAMI Shocks: an isolated SF galaxy HII Shocks?? Shock Mechanical luminosity = 10 42 ergs/s Starburst mechanical luminosity = 10 42 – 10 43 ergs/s Ho et al. (2014); see also Ho et al. (2016)

61 [OII] Shocks in mergers Star Formation Shocks Rich, Kewley & Dopita, (2014, ApJL, 781, 12) These shocks are from star formation only AGN contain <30% shock contribution Isolated WideClose Late Merger

62 [OII] Cause of shocks? “Zoom-in” IFU Observations Wide field + narrow high res. e.g., Medling et al. 2015, MNRAS, 448, 2301

63 [OII] Causes of shocks? This galaxy: Disk collision (small scale) + starburst driven winds (large-scale) Medling et al. 2015, MNRAS, 448, 2301

64 [OII] Inflows & Metals: Metallicity gradient flattening Inflows & Metals: Metallicity gradient flattening Dramatic signpost for galactic-scale gas inflows Dramatic signpost for galactic-scale gas inflows Outflows: Shocks dominant at late merger stages Outflows: Shocks dominant at late merger stages Outflows are starburst-driven or caused by gas Outflows are starburst-driven or caused by gas collisions. collisions. Starburst-AGN: clean mixing sequences Starburst-AGN: clean mixing sequences Separation of starburst & Sy2 contribution Separation of starburst & Sy2 contribution but composites are starburst+shocks but composites are starburst+shocks Summary: Science

65 [OII] Summary: Techniques IFU multiplexing: galaxy dissection Large IFU Surveys with AGN (SAMI, MANGA, S7) Physical ProcessDiagnostic Tools Fuelling (Inflows)metallicity gradients, kinematics Feedback (Outflows)shocks, kinematics Starburst vs AGNline ratio mixing sequences AGN propertiesline ratios, AGN models

66 [OII] Future: Next Generation Telescopes e.g., GMTIFS z=2 Separation of SF, shocks & AGN with rest-frame optical diagnostics z>3 SF, shocks, AGN Using lensing and UV diagnostics

67 [OII] Background: Metallicity - Auroral Lines [OIII] 4363, [NII] 5755, [SIII] 6312, [OII] 7325 Advantages: Strong function of T e Strong function of T e Direct Direct Disadvantages: Weak Weak Saturation Saturation T e fluctuations T e fluctuations Advantages: Strong function of T e Strong function of T e Direct Direct Disadvantages: Weak Weak Saturation Saturation T e fluctuations T e fluctuations

68 [OII] Empirical Metallicity Diagnostics e.g., Pettini & Pagel (2004) Pilyugin et al. (2001) Assumes ISM conditions are same as local HII regions

69 [OII] Metallicity - Strong Lines [OII] 3727, [OIII] 5007, [NII] 6584,... Advantages: Strong lines Strong lines No saturation No saturation Disadvantages: Model dependant Model dependant (Geometry, dust parameters, abundance set, ionizing radiation field) Advantages: Strong lines Strong lines No saturation No saturation Disadvantages: Model dependant Model dependant (Geometry, dust parameters, abundance set, ionizing radiation field)

70 [OII] Kewley & Ellison (2008) Metallicity Diagnostic Discrepancies SDSS mass-metallicity relation Tremonti et al. (2004)

71 [OII] The current solution to metallicity calibration problems Kewley & Ellison (2008)

72 [OII] Resolution of discrepancies? Strong Line Methods - atomic data - relative abundances - depletion factors - Kappa e - temperature distribution Strong Line Methods - atomic data - relative abundances - depletion factors - Kappa e - temperature distribution Empirical Methods -e - temperature fluctuations / gradients - Kappa e - temperature distribution Empirical Methods -e - temperature fluctuations / gradients - Kappa e - temperature distribution Nicholls et al. (2012, 2013)

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