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Social Justice in the Workplace. Review: Cultural Contexts  Personal Context?  National Context?  Organizational Context?  Cultural Motivations? 

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Presentation on theme: "Social Justice in the Workplace. Review: Cultural Contexts  Personal Context?  National Context?  Organizational Context?  Cultural Motivations? "— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Justice in the Workplace

2 Review: Cultural Contexts  Personal Context?  National Context?  Organizational Context?  Cultural Motivations?  Similarities?  Differences?

3 Review:  Should schools emphasize America’s cultural diversity or the shared aspects of American culture?

4 Review:  Read our faces. We don’t see ourselves on the faculty. We don’t read about yourselves in the books you’re requiring us to read, and we don’t hear our voices in the lectures. ”  ( Harvard Educational Review, 1997, pp. 170 – 171, in Nelson, Palonsky, and McCarthy, 2007, p. 301).  Comments?

5 Review: The Global Economy  C9yh5n8 C9yh5n8  View the clip from the movie: Outsourced.  What economic and diversity issues were depicted?  How does this relate to our work as educational leaders?

6 Review: Social Capital  Review statistics on p. 201. What information surprised you? How does this information impact our work as educators?  What part does education play in the issue of social mobility?  What can we do about the issues of knowledge, preparedness, and affordability? (p. 203)  What is social and cultural capital?  How does it affect social mobility and social class?  Discuss issues of housing and social class? (p. 205)

7 Guest Presenters:  Dr. Eric Packenham  Dr. Lyn Burningham  Dr. Axel Ramirez  Comments?  Questions?  Insights?

8 Social Justice Frameworks:  Intercultural Approach: (IC)  The development of cross-cultural understanding and communication between people and nations.  With the IC approach, ignorance, cultural misunderstanding, and value classes are seen as the problem.  Increased cultural awareness, knowledge and tolerance are the solution.  Well-developed body of literature.

9 Social Justice Frameworks:  The Legal Compliance Approach (LC)  Based in legal theory and civil rights law. Is primarily concerned with compliance with anti-discromination law and the subsequent monitoring of recruitment, hiring, and promotional procedures affecting women and people of color  to increase their representation in the organization.

10 Social Justice Frameworks:  Managing Diversity and Inclusion Approach (MDI):  Strong presence in the business world.  Large body of publications and research.  Changing demographics, by 2050, White people will no longer be the majority in the US.  Emphasis is placed on seeing diversity and inclusion as a ‘business issue’.

11 Social Justice Frameworks:  Prejudice Reduction Approach (PR)  Re-evaluation counseling movement (RC) theory asserts that all human beings are born with tremendous intellectual and emotional potential but that these qualities have become blocked and obscured as we grow older from ‘distress experiences’ – fear, hurt, lost, pain, anger, etc. The RC approach helps free people from effects of past hurts.

12 Social Justice Frameworks:  Valuing Differences Approach (VDF)  Cultural pluralism and the ‘salad bowl’ vision (rather than the melting pot) are core beliefs of this approach.  VDF recognizes and celebrates differences as the fuel of creativity and innovation.  Conflict arises from inability to recognize and value human differences.

13 Social Justice Frameworks:  Anti-Racism Approach (AR/AO)  Anti-Racism lies at the heart of the ‘diversity movement’. Core issue is getting rid of ‘exclusion’ and ‘oppression’.  It focuses on liberation or anti-oppression.  Combines knowledge of cultural dynamics, the need for legal support, and inclusion.  Also examines the issue of power and oppression and a commitment to activism and social change.

14 Social Justice Clips:  What Social Justice Approach is exemplified in this clips?  oy9r0CM oy9r0CM

15 Sexual Stereotypes / Harassment  gatzuT0 gatzuT0  VQKVa4I VQKVa4I

16 Religion in the Workplace:  hS0vZ8Y hS0vZ8Y

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