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 Work  Shopping/Business  Television/Movies  Neighbors  School.

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2  Work  Shopping/Business  Television/Movies  Neighbors  School

3 What about the church? Cultural Diversity or Cultural Exclusivity… What about the church? Cultural Diversity or Cultural Exclusivity…

4 Culturally Diverse Definition: No one ethnicity accounts for greater than 80% of the church’s attendance.

5 Approximately 5% of congregations in the United States are culturally diverse. Half of these are “transition congregations”. Truly diverse churches account for less than 3%.

6 “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations…” Mark 11:17 “And He has made from ONE blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth…” Acts 17:26 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all ONE is Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations…” Mark 11:17 “And He has made from ONE blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth…” Acts 17:26 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all ONE is Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28

7 BIBLICAL EXAMPLES OF DIVERSITY:  Pentecost. Acts 2:5-11 “…from every nation under heaven.”  Antioch. Acts 11:26  Philippi. Acts 16 BIBLICAL EXAMPLES OF DIVERSITY:  Pentecost. Acts 2:5-11 “…from every nation under heaven.”  Antioch. Acts 11:26  Philippi. Acts 16

8 How does the Seventh-day Adventist Church reflect diversity when compared with other denominations?


10  Rural- Single Ethnicity Community  Lack of common language  First generation immigrant group  Rural- Single Ethnicity Community  Lack of common language  First generation immigrant group


12 Advantages: It demonstrates the inclusiveness of the gospel. It enriches worship through creative musical expression. It brings insights and perspectives that come from other world views. It results in delicious fellowship meals. It stretches our comfort zone and adds value to our lives.

13 8 ideas to help your church become diverse… 1. Challenge members to make a special effort to greet and befriend any newcomers that represent other ethnicities so that they feel wanted and included in the “family”.

14 2. Encourage members to develop friendships with people of other ethnicities in their workplace. This can be deepened through social interaction outside of the workplace in areas of common interest. Show an interest in their culture!

15 3. Invite musical groups representing other ethnicities to perform at your church. These may initially need to come from other area Adventist churches or even a nearby Metro area.

16 4. Go on a church mission trip to another country (particularly if it represents a ethnic group that is present in your community). Your interest in their culture will serve to build bridges in amazing ways!

17 5. Host an international food fair. This may require working in cooperation with area Adventist churches. It is possible to even have non-members participate in this event. **Booths can be decorated creatively to represent the country and offering various national foods for sale.

18 6. Plan an ethnic celebration Sabbath. An ethnicity represented within your congregation is highlighted on a pre-planned special Sabbath: --special music, prayer, etc. (in native language and translated to English). --wear traditional dress to church. --provide native food for fellowship meal. KEY- Encourage them to invite their Adventist and non-Adventist friends.

19 7. Invite an English speaking evangelist of another ethnicity to hold a reaping meeting or evangelistic meeting for your church.

20 8. As individuals of various ethnicities begin to become part of your church, be sure to involve them in the leadership of the church (including the elders and board).

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