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Good Morning!!! 1.No NVC  2.India: “The Jewel in the Crown” 3.Sepoy Rebellion: India’s First War for Independence Essential Question: What caused the.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning!!! 1.No NVC  2.India: “The Jewel in the Crown” 3.Sepoy Rebellion: India’s First War for Independence Essential Question: What caused the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning!!! 1.No NVC  2.India: “The Jewel in the Crown” 3.Sepoy Rebellion: India’s First War for Independence Essential Question: What caused the 1857 Sepoy Rebellion? Homework: Study for Test on FRIDAY!

2 History of British Interest East India Company – Huge British corporation obsessed with trade in the Indian Ocean – Set up first trading posts in India in 1600 c.1550 Indian ruled by Mughal Dynasty – Muslim dynasty – Also many powerful princes (maharajah) that are Hindu – British use religious differences to create tension and weaken India 1757 East India Company takes control of India after defeating Mughal Dynasty

3 British Control British bring modern education, science, and technology to India “Jewel in the Crown”: Most valuable of all British colonies – Produces CASH CROPS (cotton, opium, etc) sold all over the world Victorian Holocaust: Cash crops decrease food production = FAMINE that kills millions

4 Resisting Imperialism? India’s First War for Independence (1857): attempted mass uprising against British control – Also known as the Sepoy Rebellion because it is started by started by Sepoys = Indian soldiers fighting for British “A delicate and dangerous machine which a little mismanagement may easily turn against us.”

5 What caused the Sepoy Rebellion? Hypothesis #1: The Sepoys revolted because they thought the British were interfering with their religion. – Doc A Samuel Gardner: Disgrace for Sepoys to touch cows, and THEY believed now British want them to grease their weapons with Cow fat – Doc B Sir Campbell: British trying to convert the Sepoys to Christianity Hypothesis #2: The Sepoys revolted because they were upset the British had seized direct control of Oudh. – East India Company Seized control of Oudh after local ruler dies  Doc E – Oudh was a historical and cultural important place  Doc E Hypothesis #3: The Sepoys revolted because they felt the British gave them no respect and no say in government. – Doc E  Sepoys had seen their pay and status decline, felt British had no respect – Indians had no say in government (Doc D): British didn’t give Indians any spots on the legislative council

6 British Imperialism in India “The Devil’s Wind” 1857 Sepoy Mutiny crushed by British 1858 Raj begins: British government strengthens direct control of India – Period of racial tension and conflicts between Indians and British

7 Mahatma Ghandi Mahatma Ghandi: leader of Indian Nationalist movement c. 1914 Nonviolent Civil Disobedience – nonviolent protest and peaceful refusal to obey British rule – “Independence will never be ours by force of arms. Brute- force is not natural to the Indian people. We will have, therefore, to rely wholly on soul-force. You must not consider that violence is necessary at any stage for reaching our goal.”—Ghandi – 1947 British rule in India ends

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