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Presentation on theme: "FERTILIZERS, CHLORINATION DEODORIZERS, BACTERIAL FORMULATION."— Presentation transcript:


2 A material is called a soil amendment, when it is added to alter the chemical or physical properties of a soil It may also have fertilizer value but it is added primarily to alter the pH or other soil properties Soil amendment is any material added to a soil to improve its physical properties, such as water retention, permeability, water infiltration, drainage, aeration and structure The goal is to provide better environment of roots

3 FACTS OF SOIL AMENDMENTS Improve the physical properties of soils. Increases water and nutrient holding capacity and Good aeration and water filtration

4 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN SELECTING IN SOIL AMENDMENT: The soil texture Salt contents Soil salinity and plant sensitivity to salts Salt content and pH of the amendment Soil modification is aimed at Increasing fertility of soil by supply one or more nutrients General change in the chemical and physical properties of soil

5 PRINCIPLES MATERIALS USED IN SOIL AMENDMENT Lime, manures, fertilizers, micronutrients geolites, alum, gypsum, environmental ameliorative – chlorination, deodorizes and bacterial formulation. LIME: Lime - defined as calcium oxide (CaO) Agriculture lime means any material used as a soil amendment to raise the soil pH The ground limestone (CaCO 3 ) - most common agricultural liming material Acidity of soil is due to the leaching of bases by percolating water, resulting in lowering of soil fertility

6 For plant production apply sulfur or sulfur compound (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 will lower the soil pH SO 2 +H 2 O2SO 4 Nitrogen fertilizers containing ammonia considerably reduce the pH of the soil. NH 3 +2O 2 O 3 +H 2 O Raising the soil pH to a reaction near neutral is known as liming Liming will help to maintain soil fertility for production good crop Liming and fertilization usually go together as complementary practices in humid soils

7 The amount of lime required depends on the crop, the soil and the ECCE, the liming material The amount should be limited to 1 or 2 tons / acre Excess lime reduce the availability of iron phosphorus, manganese, boron, zinc and sulfur and also potassium In general, the pH of acid soils should not be raised above 7.0

8 Alkaline Soils The most commonly used amendments for alkaline soil - gypsum and sulfur Gypsum (CaSO 4 2H 2 O) is usually favored Most of the sodium ions present on the cation exchange should be replaced by Ca++ ions so that dispersion will not occur Na+ MiCelle + CaSO 4 = Ca++ Micelle + 2Na 2 SO 4 Na+

9 The sodium sulphate formed is insoluble Sulfur - used as a soil amendment to reduce alkalinity when soil contains free lime as well as too much sodium. Sulfuric acid is used to reduce alkalinity of the soil. H 2 SO 4 +2Na+ + CO 3 --2Na+ + SO 4 --+H 2 O+CO 2 ↑ H 2 SO 4 +CaCO 3 CaSO 4 +H 2 O+CO 2 ↑

10 Soil alkalinity - reduced availability of P & K and most micronutrients and high concentration of soluble salts of sodium Organic manuring is also beneficial in alkaline soils apart from soil irrigation which removes excess sodium from the soil

11 FERTILIZERS Fertilizers - sources of plant nutrients that can be added to soil to supplement its natural fertility Indirectly modify the soil properties such as pH and structure The fertility - declines due to cultivation for several years About 17 elements - essential for plant growth - essential nutrients Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen (Air and Water), N, P, K Ca Mg S (Soil solids) macro nutrients Fe, Mn, Bo, Mb Cu, Zn, Cl -, Cobalt are essential micro nutrients

12 Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium - supplied in farm manure and commercial fertilizers - fertilizer elements Ca++ and Mg++ - applied as lime and - lime elements Sulfur (Rain water) - supplied as farm manure, super phosphate and sulphate, of ammonia Nitrogen and phosphorus - low availability to plants Potassium - higher concentration in all soils except in sandy soils Calcium - lesser amount – acidic soil

13 NITROGEN FERTILIZERS 1. Organic 2. Inorganic – DAP (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 21%N (53%P 2 O 4 ) Ammo. phos NH 4 H 2 PO 4 11% (48%P 2 O 4 ) Urea CO(NH 2 ) 2 42-.45% Amm.Nitrate NH 4 NO 3 33% Amm.Sulphate(NH 4 )2SO 4 21% Anhydrous ammonium (Liquid NH 3 ) 82%

14 Phosphate Fertilizers 1. Super phosphate Ca (H 2 PO 4 ) 2 16-50(P 2 O 5 ), 7- 22 %( P) (Principle P. fertilisers) 2. Di ammonium phosphate (NH 4 ) 2 HPO 4 46-53(P 2 O 5 ) 20-23% (P) 3. Rock Phosphate25-30(P 2 O 5 )11-13% (P)

15 Potassium Fertilizers Pot.Chloride KCl40.50(K 2 O)40.42%K Pot.SulphateK 2 SO 4 4 Pot nitrate KNO 3 44(K 2 O)37%K Muret of potashKCl20-70(K 2 O)19-25%K Sulfur Fertilizers Ammonium Sulphate Potassium Sulphate Super Phosphate

16 Micronutrients An element required by plants in small amount to complete their life cycles - often called trace elements or minor elements Ex: boron, chlorine, copper, iron manganese, molybdenum and zinc Iron - most abundant; molybdenum - very scarce element The primary sources - various rock nutrients inherited by the soil Chlorine - abundant in the soils of arid regions Micronutrients - known to stimulate plant growth and accepted as essential nutrients - essential in the preparation of chlorophyll

17 MANURES - ORGANIC FERTILIZERS Manures - primarily nitrogen – potassium fertilizer Manures - provide organic materials that have favorable influence on soil structure – increase the aggregation of soil particles and reduced bulk density Is extremely important in the manufacture of balanced nutrient condition of soil ( NPK -0.5:0.25:0.5) ; it certain Ca, Mg, S and all micro nutrients

18 TYPES OF MANURES Farm manure - one of the most important agricultural byproducts Green manure Manure - the refuse from all animals of the farms It consists of two original components - Solid (3part) and Liquid (1Part) LivstockLiveweight% N% P% K SolidLiquidSolidLiquidSolidLiquid Cattle Hogs 70-100 70-60 0.50 0.5 0.25 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.06 0.42 0.41 0.37 0.21 0.09 Poultry1.50.430.4% Note: Manure is balanced nutrient

19 GREEN MANURE Green Manure - organic manure formed by the decomposition of green plant tissue Helps in maintaining the crop producing capacity of the soil Holds the soil moisture for long especially in regions of low rainfall - hence, are employed to maintain the fertility of araid soils

20 Importance of manuring: It supplies organic matter and help to maintain the humus content of the soil Green manure adds organic carbon but also returns soil nitrogen It acts as food for soil organisms such biological action help to produce CO 2 Ammonium nitrates to azotobacter It helps in conservation and availability of nutrients

21 COMPOST: Compost - mixture of soil and decomposing organic matter Composts - often used by gardens as fertilizers The use of compost results in humus formation and promotes good soil structure Manures and compost are the principles organic fertilizers The dried sludge has an average 5% N, 3% P and 0.5% K



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