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JavaScript 사용현황 김민철. Table of contents  1. Mobile  WAC  PhoneGap  AppsPresso  2. TV  Samsung Smart TV  KT IPTV  3. 기타  node.js 2.

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Presentation on theme: "JavaScript 사용현황 김민철. Table of contents  1. Mobile  WAC  PhoneGap  AppsPresso  2. TV  Samsung Smart TV  KT IPTV  3. 기타  node.js 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 JavaScript 사용현황 김민철

2 Table of contents  1. Mobile  WAC  PhoneGap  AppsPresso  2. TV  Samsung Smart TV  KT IPTV  3. 기타  node.js 2

3 WAC(The Wholesale Applications Community)  The Wholesale Applications Community is an open global alliance made up of the world’s largest mobile phone network operators and manufacturers and is dedicated to making life easier for developers to create and distribute compelling digital content. 3

4 WAC  WAC Apps  Widgets written to the WAC Specifications  Native Android applications  HTML5 applications 4

5 WAC  WAC Device API Specification   Accelerometer : 가속도계  Calendar : 달력  Camera : 카메라  Contacts : 주소록  Core : Widget Runtime  Device interaction : 진동, light  Device status : 수신상태 (Cellular, WiFi), ime, 해상도  File system : file system  Geolocation : GPS  Messaging : SMS, MMS  Orientation : 방향계  Tasks : To=do list  Viewport Feature : viewport orientation  Webview : popup, mini browser 5

6 WAC  Code Sample - Camera 6

7 WAC  Code Sample - Camera 7

8 WAC  Code Sample - Camera 8

9 WAC  WAC example  mbedded&v=3xmeEycIgs0#t=3s mbedded&v=3xmeEycIgs0#t=3s  &feature=player_detailpage &feature=player_detailpage 9

10 PhoneGap  PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applic ations with web technologies and get access to APIs and app stores. Phone Gap leverages web technologies developers already know best... HTML an d JavaScript 10

11 PhoneGap  PhoneGap API   Accelerometer  Camera  Capture : audio, image, video capture  Compass : 나침반  Connection : cellular, WiFi connection  Contacts  Device  Events : Hook into native events  File  Geolocation  Media : play and record audio file  Notification : alert, confirm, beep, vibrate  Storage : W3C Web SQL Database, W3C Web Storage 11

12 PhoneGap  Code Sample - Geolocation 12

13 AppsPresso  앱스프레소는 웹 기술로 개발된 단일 소스를 각 모바일 플랫폼별 런 타임으로 감싸 네이티브 앱으로 빌드하는 하이브리드 방식의 크로스 플랫폼 프레임워크 입니다. 13

14 AppsPresso  AppsPresso API   Deviceapis : device apis  Devicestatus : battery, WiFi, Cellular  Deviceinteraction : vibrator, notifier, light  Contact  Accelerometer  Orientation  Geolocation  Camera  Filesystem  AxModule : debug util  Extensions : Admob 14

15 AppsPresso  Code Sample - Contact 15

16 Samsung Smart TV  JavaScript 프로젝트와 Flash 프로젝트 두가지 프 로젝트 타입 존재 16

17 Samsung Smart TV  Samsung Smart TV Developer Documentation   AllShare API  AppsFramework API  framework api, Service API, UI Components API  Common Modules  IME, SSO 등  Convergence App API  TV Application to Client (HHP : hand-held phone) Communication  Client (HHP) to TV Application Communication  File API  Interactive Remote API  HTTP protocol and functions (use the HTTP GET)  Web Device API  Audio, Display, AVPlay, TV Channel, Network, ImageView, Custom Device, Gamepad, Helthcare Device, Microphone, Printer, Recognition, Camera  Advertisement Service API 17

18 Samsung Smart TV  Code Sample - FileSystem 18

19 KT IPTV  ACAP, Widget(HTML, JavaScript) 두 종류의 App 지원 19

20 KT IPTV  KT IPTV JavaScript API  Widget  Widget 정보, 키 입력  AppConfig  App 에서 사용하는 설정 정보 저장 및 로드  AppLauncher  AppInfo, App 실행  UI  Widget 모드 변경 및 크기 변경, 키 코드  TV  Channel, Volume, EPG, IME, System 정보, 상품정보, VOD 정 보 및 재생, MsgBox 20

21 KT IPTV  Code Sample  VODController 21

22 Node.js  Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.Chrome's JavaScript runtime  Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightwei ght and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run acr oss distributed devices. 22

23 Node.js  API 23 Function category GlobalsEventsPathQuery Strings STDIOBufferNetReadline TimersStreamUDP/DatagramREPL ModulesCryptoDNSVM C/C++ AddonsTLS/SSLHTTPChild Processes ProcessString DecoderHTTPSAssertion Testing UtilitiesFile SystemURLTTY ZLIBOSDebuggerCluster

24 Node.js  Code Sample  http  net 24

25 Node.js  node.js 예제   3:00  node-inspector   1:23  Cloud9   성능비교 VS Apache  tests-against-apache-php tests-against-apache-php 25

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