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Approximately 1.4 million species of animals and plants. It is further estimated that 17,500 species will become extinct every year Species conservation.

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Presentation on theme: "Approximately 1.4 million species of animals and plants. It is further estimated that 17,500 species will become extinct every year Species conservation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Approximately 1.4 million species of animals and plants. It is further estimated that 17,500 species will become extinct every year Species conservation in Hong Kong is hampered by insufficient knowledge on the status of the species. Present situation

3 Definition of various terms used to describe the status of animals (IUCN). Term DefinitionExample ExtinctA species is not definitely located in the wild during the past 50 years 渡渡鳥 Dodo Raphus Cucullatus (became extinct in 1681) EndangeredA species is in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue to operate 大熊貓 Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca VulnerableA species is believed likely to move into the 'endangered' category 非洲象 African Elephant Loxodonta africana RareA species has a small world population that are not at present 'endangered' category 短鼻 Texas Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys elator

4 Species at Risk Napoleon Wrasse Black-faced Spoonbills Chinese White Dolphins Green Turtles

5 Napoleon Wrasse The Napoleon wrasse is long lived, but has a very slow breeding rate. Its numbers have declined due to a number of threats.

6 Napoleon Wrasse Avoid consumption of threatened species e.g. Napoleon Wrasse Change to consume hatchery-reared live reef fish such as Green Grouper and Mangrove snapper, whenever possible Avoid consuming immature wild-caught reef fish Tell your friends about this conservation message

7 Black-faced Spoonbills 20% of Black-faced Spoonbill population in any given year can be found wintering in Hong Kong. Birds remain until the end of May Sometimes a few birds do not return to the breeding grounds.

8 Black-faced Spoonbills Feeds on fish and shrimps in shallow water Most of the East Asian coast is subject to very heavy pressure from high human populations and associated agricultural and industrial activities, resulting in habitat destruction and pollution. Pressure on the Deep Bay area in Hong Kong continues to grow.

9 Chinese White Dolphins Pollution - Sewage can cause serious harm to the health of Chinese white dolphins. Harmful chemicals can harm their ability to cope with diseases and parasites or even directly poison them. Loss of Habitat - The natural coastal areas in Lantau have been destroyed by large-scale reclamation projects. Reclamation has not just caused a direct loss of these mammals' habitats, it has also removed habitat for the fish on which the dolphins feed.

10 Chinese White Dolphins Boat Traffic - High speed ferries, trawlers and containers can cause injury to the dolphins. Noise from these boat engines can also interrupt communication between the dolphins as well. Over-fishing - In Hong Kong there are no laws to limit the size of catches, nor restrictions on species captured. Fewer fish are being caught for human consumption.

11 Chinese White Dolphins - protection Sha Chau and Lung Kwu Chau Marine Park in the northwest of Lantau Island was set up for the protection of Chinese white dolphins. All vessels must limit their speed in the marine parks Commercial fishing limited Commercial trawling is prohibited from operating in marine parks

12 Green Turtles Direct consumption - Turtle eggs are prized by humans as a rich source of protein, and are often reputed to have aphrodisiac properties. By-catch: Marine turtles are accidentally killed by shrimp trawling nets and offshore longlines.

13 Green Turtles Habitat destruction and alternation - Infrastructures for coastal tourism have destroyed large areas of turtle nesting beaches. Pollution - Heavy metals have been recorded in the tissue. Solid debris could be mistaken as sargassum floats and eaten by young turtles.

14 Green Turtles Disease - Debilitating and disfiguring tumours have been identified in many populations of turtles. Tumours can blind the turtles or inhibit their ability to feed.

15 Green Turtles - protection Stop/avoid the consumption of marine turtle meat and eggs. Stop the purchase of products made of marine turtle shells. Support marine turtle conservation research and programmes. Report sightings of marine turtles and nesting. Report illegal trading activities of marine turtle products.


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