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Does understanding that God is the final Judge over all things, including you, cause you to fear or take comfort? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Does understanding that God is the final Judge over all things, including you, cause you to fear or take comfort? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Does understanding that God is the final Judge over all things, including you, cause you to fear or take comfort? Why?

2 Is a person accountable to breaking the Law of God even if they’ve never heard of the Law? See Rom. 1:18-20; 2:14-16

3 Read Revelation 12:10. What do you think Satan wants to accuse you of before the throne of God?

4 Of the following, which defense do you find it easiest to fall back on when you want to justify your actions before God? Explain. Deny or minimize the crime. Compare your life with really bad people. Emphasize your good deeds. Plead innocence by claiming you didn’t know better.

5 The Bible teaches us that Jesus Christ has become our Advocate before our Heavenly Father (see 1 Timothy 2:5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 2:1-2). What do you find hard about trusting in this promise?

6 Justification is a legal term meaning, “to be made right with God.” Describe in your own words the difference between being ‘pardoned’ and ‘being made righteous.’

7 Justification comes through faith in what Christ has done for you (read Romans 5:1-10). How has being ‘justified’ before God changed your life?

8 What guilt do you carry that you need to hand over to God right now in order to live in the freedom that Jesus Christ offers? In light of Isaiah 43:25-26, what is the Holy Spirit calling you to do?

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