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Grand Canyon Council Annual Council Commissioner Conference April 18, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Grand Canyon Council Annual Council Commissioner Conference April 18, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grand Canyon Council Annual Council Commissioner Conference April 18, 2015

2 Why Are We Commissioners? To help units serve more youth better, through Scouting! To help Unit leaders develop and provide outstanding Scouting programs

3 Our Four Primary Objectives of Commissioner Service 1.Supporting unit growth through the Journey to Excellence (JTE) 2.Contacting Units and capturing their strengths and needs in Commissioner Tools 3.Linking unit needs to district operating committee resources 4.Supporting on-time charter renewal

4 Journey to Excellence

5 What is the Purpose of JTE? Encourage continuous improvement Measures performance vs. process Rewards unit success Achieves BSA mission Help unit leaders understand the key factors that improve unit programs

6 WHAT IT BRINGS TO UNITS: Framework for Planning Method of Evaluation Provides Guidance Guidelines and Standards Early Warning Signs Recognition Benchmarking What JTE Brings to a Unit

7 The Unit Service Plan

8 Key element of Commissioner Tools design Replaces all other Unit assessments Enables collaborative Unit health assessments Enables service customized to Unit needs 8

9 The Unit Service Plan Supports all 4 elements of excellent Unit service USP should include “actionable” information Goals should be S M A R T goals Provides linkages to other resources

10 Ultimate Goals of the USP Serve Units more effectively, More youth served, Help unit leaders provide better programs for their members, Enhanced retention of members and Units Improved performance as measured by JTE

11 Our Goals Today Understand and use features of the Unit Service Plan Unit Case Studies Discussion Groups to assess Unit’s strengths and needs Develop a unit-specific Unit Service Plan


13 13 The Unit Service Plan UNIT ASSESSMENT The Process: –Review JTE performance –Hold unit assessment meeting –Complete assessment –Identify opportunities Resources: –JTE objectives & scores –Unit contacts logged in Commissioner Tools –Unit Assessment Scoring Matrix

14 Unit Assessment What is the health of the Unit? Collect various details relating to the Unit Shared effort between Commissioner and Unit Key 3 (leadership) Collaboratively develop detailed Unit needs Opportunity to identify Actions Needed


16 Break Out Session #1: Unit Assessment Break into your Discussion Groups. Read Case Study. Review the Unit Assessment Tool and complete the Assessment as a team. On flipchart, identify issues, concerns, and your team’s recommendations Be prepared to share your team’s insights and key learning points Time: 30 minutes

17 Break Out Session 1 Discussion Cub Scout Pack # 7034 Strengths Challenges Next Steps

18 Break Out Session 1 Discussion Boy Scout Troop # 121 Strengths Challenges Next Steps

19 Break Out Session 1 Discussion Venturing Crew # 9251 Strengths Challenges Next Steps

20 10 Minute Break

21 21 The Unit Service Plan UNIT SERVICE PLAN The Process: –Develop action plans –Identify responsibilities –Establish target dates –S M A R T goals Resources: – Unit Program Plan – District/Council activities schedule – District charter renewal plan

22 The Unit Service Plan Based on the detailed Unit Assessment develop a unique plan that will assist the Unit present an enhanced unit program Specifically outline steps, actions, responsibilities and time frame required

23 Break Out Session #2: The Unit Service Plan Break into your Discussion Groups again. Review the Case Study and Unit Assessment. Develop a unique Unit Service Plan based on your findings so far. Refer to the Action Planning Tool: Actions/Activities/Steps, Responsibility, Timing

24 Break Out Session #2: The Unit Service Plan (cont’d) On flipchart list your team’s recommendations for your Unit’s Service Plan Be prepared to share your team’s Unit Service Plan Time: 30 minutes

25 Break Out Session 2 Discussion Cub Scout Pack # 7034 Describe the Unit Service Plan developed for your unit

26 Break Out Session 2 Discussion Boy Scout Troop # 121 Describe the Unit Service Plan developed for your Unit

27 Break Out Session 2 Discussion Venturing Crew # 9251 Describe the Unit Service Plan developed for your Unit

28 Lunch Break

29 29 The Unit Service Plan DISTRICT COMMITMENT The Process: –Identify district resources –Link resources to unit needs –Monitor plan progress Resources: –District Committee organization chart –Contact information

30 District Committee Org Chart

31 District Commitment Linking Unit Needs to District Operating Committee Resources Identify what representatives from district operating committees are available Identify what those individuals and committees can do to assist Unit Identify other resources available to assist Unit

32 Break Out Session #3: District Commitment Break into your Discussion Groups again. Consider the Unit Service Plan you just completed. Consider what help is needed and who would be best on the District Committee, or other resource, to assist.

33 Break Out Session #3: District Commitment Continue to develop the Unit Service Plan. Refer to Action Planning Tool: Needed Support & Resource Links

34 On flipchart list your team’s recommendations for District Committee, or other, assistance for your Unit. Be prepared to share your team’s insights and key learning points re: District Committee involvement Time: 20 minutes Break Out Session #3: District Commitment (cont’d)

35 Break Out Session 3 Discussion Cub Scout Pack # 7034 Describe the assistance needed from the District Committee, or other resource Describe how you would proceed linking the Unit leaders to District Committee, or other, resources

36 Break Out Session 3 Discussion Boy Scout Troop # 121 Describe the assistance needed from the District Committee, or other resource Describe how you would proceed linking the Unit leaders to District Committee, or other, resources

37 Break Out Session 3 Discussion Venturing Crew # 9251 Describe the assistance needed from the District Committee, or other resource Describe how you would proceed linking the Unit leaders to District Committee, or other, resources

38 10 Minute Break

39 39 The Unit Service Plan IMPLEMENTATION The Process: –Execute the plan – Maintain accountability – Update as needed Resources: –Unit Service Plan –Unit contact reports in Commissioner Tools

40 Implementation Bringing the Unit Service Plan to life Unit Commissioner assistance to the Unit on a regular basis Modify the Unit Service Plan when needed Make Unit contacts Reporting Unit contacts Repeat the process

41 Break Out Session #4: Implementation of the Unit Service Plan Break into your discussion groups again. Consider your proposed Unit Service Plan and resource linkages. Outline how you would implement the Unit Service Plan Be prepared to address potential obstacles

42 Break Out Session #4: Implementation of the Unit Service Plan (cont’d) On flipchart list your team’s recommendations for implementation of your Unit’s Service Plan Be prepared to share your team’s Implementation Plan Time: 20 minutes

43 Break Out Session 4 Discussion Cub Scout Pack # 7034 Describe your proposed implementation steps Describe possible obstacles to your plan and how you could offset those obstacles

44 Break Out Session 4 Discussion Boy Scout Troop # 121 Describe your proposed implementation steps Describe possible obstacles to your plan and how you could offset those obstacles

45 Break Out Session 4 Discussion Venturing Crew # 9251 Describe your proposed implementation steps Describe possible obstacles to your plan and how you could offset those obstacles


47 The Unit Key 3 COR Committee Chair Unit Leader Unit Service YOUTH

48 Commissioner Tools GCC adopts the system midnight April 30 What do you need to do to be ready?  Ensure that you are registered in a single commissioner role  Ensure you are registered at  Ensure you are assigned to your Units  Complete all outstanding unit visit reports on UVTS before April 30  Utilize BSA CT webinars & You Tube videos

49 Unit Service Plan in Your Districts Benefits of the Unit Service Plan How will you incorporate the Unit Service Plan in your home District and with your assigned Units? Is your District Committee ready to support your Units’ needs? What is your personal Action Plan? What will YOU do differently as a commissioner?

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