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Collective Bargaining in Asia

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1 Collective Bargaining in Asia
A comparative study: Bangladesh, China, Vietnam and Malaysia

2 Collective Barraging in China & Vietnam
Old IR system Socialist system Integration of trade union with management structure Absence of Collective bargaining State owned enterprise Established job security and social security by the state Emergence of IR system Reengineering of state owned policy and structure Emergence of private sector and contract based employment Emergence of collective bargaining in the mid 1990s Bureaucratic form of collective bargaining

3 Current IR system in China and Vietnam
Rapid and reasonable growth of Collective bargaining in China and Vietnam respectively (year: 2000) Practice of tripartite consultation and collective bargaining in China Reduced gap between collective bargaining and trade union density in both countries Emergence of regional/ sectoral collective bargaining in China Wave of ‘wildcat’ strike in Vietnam since late 2005

4 Collective Bargaining in Malaysia
Poor practice of collective bargaining Legal constraint collective bargaining coverage is lower than union density (a significant contrast to that of Europe) Legal restrictions on collective bargaining: employee transfer, promotion, job assignment, or layoffs

5 Collective bargaining density
Total Union members X 100 Total number of employees

6 Collective Bargaining Coverage
Total no of employees covered X 100 Total number of employees

7 Collective Bargaining in Malaysia
Limitation on collective agreement Limiting and excluding the terms and scope of collective bargaining : promotions, job transfer, dismissals, redundancies and work allocation Restriction on collective agreement in ‘pioneer enterprises’ and ‘export processing zones’ Ministry of labour exercises power over trade unions

8 Brainstorming Session
Collective bargaining involves negotiation. Is negotiation distinct from the process of consultation? Do you find any difference and similarity between Bangladesh and Malaysia’s practice of collective bargaining? Make a comparative study between Bangladesh and Vietnam’s IR system.

9 Pros and cons of Collective Bargaining
Session: II Pros and cons of Collective Bargaining

10 Key terms to remember Bargaining agent Bargaining form
Bargaining level Bargaining unit

11 How to play the roles in CB?
Before bargaining commence each team needs to decide on their members’ role: Leader/ Chief negotiator (who will do most of the talking and questioning) Analyst (who will assist the chief negotiator in analysing the pros and cons of the other party, giving support and making decision) Allocation of members’ role by the leader

12 Continuation Members are responsible to Summarise materials
Clarify matters agreed upon and not agreed upon Keep the negotiation from being one sided Do costing of proposal and counter- proposals At least one member will play the role of observer and report his or her observation to the leader during the adjournment of the negotiation.

13 Negotiation tactics and strategies
Information gathering prior to the bargaining is crucial Information includes: knowledge of opposition party Exercise patience under provocative circumstance Effective communication skills: Good listener Be specific and speak without ambiguity Use nonverbal communication Be thoroughly conversant with employment laws and IR system

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