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Anita Grady & Rhianne Weghnnar EDUC 3601 – Microteach – Bio Poem, Suminagashi, Japanese Bookbinding February 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Anita Grady & Rhianne Weghnnar EDUC 3601 – Microteach – Bio Poem, Suminagashi, Japanese Bookbinding February 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anita Grady & Rhianne Weghnnar EDUC 3601 – Microteach – Bio Poem, Suminagashi, Japanese Bookbinding February 6, 2013

2 I Am (first stanza) I am (two special characteristics you have) I wonder (something you are really curious about) I hear (an imaginary sound) I see (an imaginary sight) I want (an actual desire) (second stanza) I pretend (something you actually pretend to do) I feel (a feeling about something imaginary) I touch (an imaginary touch) I laugh (at?) or cry or worry I (one of the three above that you didn’t use) (Third stanza) I understand (something you know is true) I say (something you believe in) I dream (something you actually dream about) I try (something you really make an effort at doing) I hope (something you actually hope for) I am (the first line of the poem repeated) I Am Poem



5 U/iymuD8t6NvI/s1600/252_hoanguyanngugensm.jpg

6 y_auto_bio_poem_picture_by_tacodemuerto- d34yjc1.jpg

7 Source: http://media-cache- Ideas to get students EXCITED!!!

8 Source:

9 Source: murder-asesinato

10 Contemporary Canadian Artist Robert Wu The Peacock Tree, 2011 Miniature, “The Art of Performing Cello,” 2002

11 Suminagashi Source: & http://www.beyondthechalkboard.com Suminagashi uses the unpredictable swirling of water to create one-of-a-kind images!Suminagashi, Japanese for “ink-floating,” is a paper marbling technique that was practiced in Japan as early as the 12th century. Creating these beautifully marbled pieces of paper encourages children to relax, focus and observe the changing swirls in front of them. You will be amazed by the beautiful results!

12 Source: Dick Blick -


14 Credit:

15 Suminagashi covered Japanese bound book

16 Making A Book With Japanese Bookbinding Technique

17 Step 1 Lay out your blank paper Step 2 Cut out a sheet of cardboard exactly the same size as your blank paper.

18 Step 3 Using scissors or a craft knife, cut along the the lines you drew in the previous step. Step 4 Cut out two pieces of nice paper for the outside of the covers.


20 Step 5 Use your glue stick to glue the cardboard onto the nice paper

21 Step 6 Fold the edges in, and glue them in place too.

22 Step 7Cut out two sheets of paper for the inside of the covers

23 Step 8 Punch two holes on all the paper for the book (the blank paper and the cover)

24 Step 9 Now it's time to do the actual binding, which is the really clever part of the Japanese way of how to make a book. You'll need a piece of ribbon that's 6 times as long as the book is tall Source:


26 Source:

27 Optional sewn technique of Japanese binding

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