Ch 6 Classical Greece You will need the 6-B note sheet 1.

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1 Ch 6 Classical Greece You will need the 6-B note sheet 1

2 /Europe_orthographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary.svg/250px- Europe_orthographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary.svg.png 2

3 3 Greece Troy Mt. Olympus Aegean Sea Crete Athens Mediterranean Sea Sparta Label your map

4 I. Geography A.Made up of many mountains, isolated valleys, and small islands 1.Prevented the formation of a large empire for a millennia maps/MapTopoGreece.jpg 4

5 I. Geography A.Made up of many mountains, isolated valleys, and small islands 2.Led to the creation of individual city-states a)City-states, or polis, made up of two parts maps/MapTopoGreece.jpg 5

6 I. Geography A.Made up of many mountains, isolated valleys, and small islands 2.Led to the creation of individual city-states a)City-states, or polis, made up of two parts 1)Hilltop acropolis which usually included temples and palaces 6

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8 I. Geography A.Made up of many mountains, isolated valleys, and small islands 2.Led to the creation of individual city-states a)City-states, or polis, made up of two parts 1)Hilltop acropolis which usually included temples and palaces 2)Main city: walled, included marketplace, theatres, other public areas, and homes 8

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10 II. Political A.The government of the early city-states evolved over time 1. Monarchy: government by king or queen 2.Aristocracy: government by the landholding elite 10

11 II. Political A.The government of the early city-states evolved over time 3.Democracy: government by the people 4.Athens: Pericles ruled Athens from 460-429 B.C.E. = Golden Age of Pericles or Golden Age of Athens 11

12 III. Intellectual A.Golden Age of Pericles 1. Adapted the Phoenician alphabet into the one we use today 12

13 III. Intellectual A.Golden Age of Pericles B. Adapted the Phoenician alphabet into the one we use today C.Philosophers 1.Philosophers = lovers of wisdom 2.Used observation and reason to understand why things happened 13

14 III. Intellectual A.Golden Age of Pericles B. Adapted the Phoenician alphabet into the one we use today C.Philosophers 14

15 III. Intellectual D.Literature: 1.Plays were developed from religions festivals and were stories of the gods 2.Tragedies: plays that told stories of human conflict 3.Comedies 15

16 III. Intellectual D.Literature: 3.Homer: poet, Iliad, Odyssey 4.Historians applied observation and reason to writings of history a.Herodotus: “Father of History” because of his careful historical writing 16

17 III. Intellectual E.Science: 1.Aristarchus: Earth rotates on its axis and revolves around the sun 2.Archimedes: lever and pulley 3.Hippocrates: studied causes of illness and looked for cures; Hippocratic Oath 17

18 III. Intellectual F.Math: 1.Pythagoras: a 2 + b 2 = c 2 2.Euclid: wrote book that became the basis for modern geometry 18

19 IV. Religion A.Greek Mythology 1. Polytheistic 2.God/goddesses impacted every aspect of life 19

20 V. Artistic A.Believed in beauty, balance, order in universe B.Paintings and statues were lifelike. 20

21 VI. Technological A.Architecture 1.Columns 2.Parthenon : Temple to Athena 21

22 VII. Economics A.The Aegean and Mediterranean Seas = sea traders 22

23 VIII. Social A.During the Golden Age of Pericles Athens became cultural center of Greece 23

24 24 AthensSparta Limited democracy Laws made by assembly Only male citizens in assembly Traded with other city-states Education for boys Women were inferior Monarchy with two kings Military society Trade & travel not allowed Military training for all boys Girls trained to be mothers of soldiers Women obey men Women can own property Common language Shared heroes Olympic Games Same gods and religious beliefs

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