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A NATION DIVIDED Chapter 22.3/22.4/22.5. Manipulatable Draft Draft-Selective Service  Age 18 register for military service  Screened-if excluded medical.

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Presentation on theme: "A NATION DIVIDED Chapter 22.3/22.4/22.5. Manipulatable Draft Draft-Selective Service  Age 18 register for military service  Screened-if excluded medical."— Presentation transcript:

1 A NATION DIVIDED Chapter 22.3/22.4/22.5

2 Manipulatable Draft Draft-Selective Service  Age 18 register for military service  Screened-if excluded medical reasons  Event of a war called into military service College Deferment Sympathetic doctor National guard, Coast guard

3 Deferments University students in the 60’s White, well off financially Avoid the draft Lower class whites minorities Less privileged financially 80% of soldiers came from lower economic Working Class War

4 African-American in Vietnam Disproportionately in combat arms 20% of combat deaths only 10% of population MLK pointed out irony  Fighting in a country far away still second class citizens in their own country

5 African Americans in Vietnam Many Civil Rights leaders opposed sending African American men overseas to kill Yellow men 20 were awarded the congressional medal of honor in Vietnam 17 Hispanics won the Medal too.

6 Opposition Roots of Opposition  New left  Campus activism Protest movement emerges  Rallies against war  Resistance  Burned draft cards  Some ran away to Canada  “Draft Dodgers”

7 War Divides the Nation Doves  People who felt we should withdraw from Vietnam People shocked to see protestors College boys Hawks  Fight to win the war Support our men in Vietnam America love it or leave it Working man son’s fought

8 Johnson remains determined Attacked by both sides Signs of support began to slip away. Things did not add up

9 1968 A Tumultuous Year Tet Offensive  Vietnamese New Year  Coordinated attacks all over  Shocking Failure from a military standpoint  32 k VC KIA’s Psychological/political Shook the US public

10 TET Shakes Public Opinion Before the war many supporter of the war After evenly divided Walter Cronkite ”stalemate” Defense Sec Clark Clifford “war was unwinnable” Johnson’s popularity sank

11 Tet Offensive

12 Tet Offensive 1968

13 Days of Loss and Rage Eugene McCarthy Sen. from Maine  Appealed to the Anti-war faction-doves Robert Kennedy declined-party loyalty Johnson changed direction in the war  No longer win it Decided not to run again for President Shocked America

14 Violence in America April 4 th MLK assassinated- Memphis  Massive riots across the country  Detroit, LA June 4 th RFK shot in LA  Kennedy curse Seemed everything was going to hell.

15 Turbulent Race for President Democratic-Chicago Massive protests Hubert H. Humphrey already had the nomination Upset many anti-war activists Police beat the crap out of people protesting Some Americans were glad Nixon nominated by Republicans

16 NIXON WINS Lost 1960 Election to JFK Lost 1962 election for CA governor Never lost faith Ran and won Inherited the Quagmire of Vietnam

17 Draft Protesters

18 Woodstock

19 MLK minutes before he is shot Pointing to the direction of the shot. MLK Assassination

20 Moments after he was shot Shot by Sirhan Sirhan RFK Assassination

21 Doves Hawks Doves for peace Hawks for the Defeat of Communism

22 Clark Clifford Took over for Robert McNamara Stated that the war could not be won The US should look for a way out

23 Eugene McCarthy Ran against Hubert Humphrey as Democrat nominee for President after Pres. Johnson said he would not run. Ran on a Peace initiative that he would get us out of Vietnam

24 George Wallace Ran as a third party candidate People were upset with the Civil rights movement and he ran with the idea that he would end it if elected. Once said “Segregation today! Segregation Tomorrow! Segregation forever!” Was shot in 1972, paralyzed. Eventually recanted his beliefs of segregation.

25 Henry Kissinger Negotiated “Peace with Honor” with North Vietnam. German immigrant, obtained Three Phd.s National Security advisor for Richard Nixon. Realpolitik- look at the way the world is not the way you want it to be. Proposed détente with the Soviet Union

26 Khmer Rouge Red Khmers-followers of Communism in Cambodia Overthrew gov’t of Prince Sihanook Pol Pot was dictator He and his party executed anyone who opposed them Thousands were killed in farms or “Killing Fields”

27 Killing Fields The Khmer Rouge took photographs of their victims before they executed them. 1.4-2.2 million are estimated to be killed by the Khmer Rouge Many in unidentified graves

28 War Powers Act Enacted after the Vietnam War Intended to limit the ability of the President to commit American Military without notifying Congress. The President must inform Congress within 48 hours after sending forces into a hostile area without a declaration of war. Troops may not remain there longer than 90 days unless Congress approves the President’s action or declare war.

29 Vietnams Legacy Altered America’s views on Foreign policy. Vietnam Syndrome  Americans now pause and consider risks to their own interests before deciding to intervene in the affairs of other nations. Must be in the vital interest of the security of the US before we commit ourselves to war or police action. Cynicism-Americans are suspicious of the government.

30 Cynicism The blind trust and faith in our government was destroyed. We viewed all politicians with distrust. Many wish for the days when our government and politicians seemed to  Their lips moved and they lied.

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