Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 1 Employee Self Service – Creating a Travel Request Tutorial.

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1 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 1 Employee Self Service – Creating a Travel Request Tutorial

2 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 2 Trigger The traveler is submitting a request to travel. Depending upon eligibility, the traveler may include a request for a cash advance.

3 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 3 Tips and Tricks Time format is based upon a 24 hour clock(military format). Do not use your browser buttons to navigate while in the travel request, use the ESS navigation buttons. You may need to use the scroll bars to navigate in order to access all options.

4 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 4 Completing a Travel Request Open the navigation menu, select “Travel Management” and then “Travel Planning and Expenses”.

5 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 5 Completing a Travel Request Select “Create Travel Request”. This will open a travel request.

6 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 6 Completing a Travel Request The traveler will complete the request by entering the following information: 1.Trip Start Date and Time using military format 2.Trip End Date and Time using military format 3.Destination Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

7 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 7 Completing a Travel Request The traveler will complete the request by entering the following information: 1.Activity 2.Reason 3.Comments (required if requesting a cash advance 4.Estimated costs Required fields are marked with a red asterisk *

8 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 8 Completing a Travel Request If you are requesting a cash advance, the advance will automatically post to your default payroll coding, however, you can select an alternative cost assignment. To do this select “Change Cost Assignment”.

9 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 9 Completing a Travel Request Enter in the new account coding making sure you enter the percentage to be distributed to the code. If you have any questions on the correct account coding to use, contact your supervisor or fiscal office for assistance. Once you have entered the new coding, select “Accept” to continue.

10 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 10 Completing a Travel Request If you are requesting a cash advance, enter the justification for the advance in the Comments section and select “Enter Advances”.

11 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 11 Completing a Travel Request Enter the amount of the requested advance in the Amount column, then select “Next Step”.

12 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 12 Completing a Travel Request Any account coding changes and advances entered will now be updated in the travel request. Select “Next Step” to continue.

13 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 13 Completing a Travel Request If everything is correct, you are now ready to save the request. Select “Save” to save the request but NOT to submit for supervisor approval. Select “Save and Send” to save and submit the request for supervisor approval.

14 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 14 Completing a Travel Request Select “Next Step” to continue

15 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 15 Completing a Travel Request Once the request has been saved, a trip number will be assigned. To view and print the travel request select “Display Form”.

16 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 16 Completing a Travel Request To print, right click on the form and then select print from the menu.

17 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 17 Completing a Travel Request If after reviewing the request, you do have additional ESS tasks, use the History option. If you have additional Travel tasks, select “Travel and Expenses”, if other ESS tasks, such as leave request, select “ESS Home”. If after reviewing the request, you do NOT have any additional ESS tasks, you can log out of ESS by selecting “Log Off”.

18 Integrated Enterprise System 06/15/2015ESS Travel Request ECC 6.03 vers 2.0 18 Additional Resources Need help? Contact the Travel Expense Help Desk: 1-800-824-0626 outside the Harrisburg area 717-346-3401 within the Harrisburg area

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